Charlbury surgery

Clive Cowen

Tue 24 Jun 2008, 15:46

Like Roger I do not wish to cause offence but I do find it somewhat strange that there is criticim of the surgery from people who don't use it, based on comments going back several years. In fact so far back that there were then probably different doctors in the surgery. Also, I am beginning to wonder if there are actually two surgeries in Charlbury and I am going to a completely different surgery to some others on here. I am getting on a bit and have had experience of surgeries in Kent, London, Warwickshire, and other parts of Oxfordshire. So, far the Charlbury surgery has proven way better than anything other surgery I have had to use. The staff have always been attentitive, realiable and courteous.
I am wary of comments like, 'everyone I have spoken to says.......' Often when analysed this is, 'well there is her down the road for one'. So without claiming that it is literally everyone, I have yet to come across a friend or aquaintance in the locality who does not express huge satisfaction with the Charlbury Surgery.
I suppose it is inevitable that people who are satisfied are less likely to be commenting on here. I hope that the staff of the Charlbury surgery realise that and know that they are appreciated by many of their patients.

Alex Westbury

Thu 12 Jun 2008, 22:32

I have to agree with John & Julie, I have not had any problems with the Charlbury Surgery. Having been registered at on of the Witney Practices prior to Charlbury, I would opt for Charlbury any day!!!

Julie Negus

Thu 12 Jun 2008, 21:38

I don' t live in Charlbury.
But while visiting my family a couple of years ago my youngest son developed an ear infection.
We contacted the surgery we were given an appointment and then seen straight away.
Lets face it there are always gong to be those who are pleased, and some who are dissatisfied with the service they receive.

(And last week I have contacted my doctor where I live and if I want an after school appointment, I can' t be fitted in untill about 28th June, so the problems you are facing are country wide!)

John Munro

Thu 12 Jun 2008, 19:15

Lesley and I would just like to redress the balance a little with this thread about the Charlbury Practice. Since moving here in December '05 we have had nothing but excellent service and attention from the surgery.

Rebecca Lee

Thu 12 Jun 2008, 12:55

No apology necessary Roger, I wasn't particularly clear in my first posting. In fact it was reading my first posting back that I realised I was just having a whinge and maybe our energies could be best spent trying to get the service we all have a right to expect. Maybe my information is out of date, which is why it would be pertinent to allow the surgery to respond.

Incidentally I received a mail failure back from my first attempt to email the surgery. I've dropped them another line but I understand the practice manager is out until next week - if they do respond we won't hear anything until at least the middle of next week.


Thu 12 Jun 2008, 11:13

Rebecca please accept my apologies for thinking that you had listened to gossip within charlbury. My thought was based on what seems to happen rather too much in charlbury. I amongst others would like to see things differently at the surgery ,so i suppose in a way i must agree with say .Anyway please accept my apologies as it was not my intention to offend.

Rebecca Lee

Thu 12 Jun 2008, 09:34

Hi Roger, I appreciate your response and maybe I should explain that the friend I referred to was a flat mate of mine at the time so I was with her when she was supporting her family through these difficult times. With regards to registering with Chipping Norton surgery, after seeking advice from my own doctor in Oxford I made an informed decision not to risk my health (or sanity for that matter).

I feel very fortunate to live in Charlbury and have made many friends here. I feel very strongly that Charlbury needs a surgery within the town and we deserve a practice that serves everyone to the best of its ability.

Part of my professional remit is to measure and manage customer satisfaction and drive continual improvement throughout the business in which I work. I am only too aware that poor service can be perceived rather than delivered and a reputation for delivering poor service can last way after improvements have been made. I also appreciate that people tend only to talk about poor service and this can give a distorted view of the truth, which is why I felt it was imperative to include the practice manager in the forum. To a certain extent a community will get the services it deserves based on how much input they choose to have - there's little point sharing stories with each other if we're not open to helping drive improvements or, indeed allowing the service provider to advertise the improvements they've already made.

I would love to register with Charlbury surgery as it's five minutes walk from my house but I lack confidence in it's ability to deliver care.


Thu 12 Jun 2008, 06:46

The comments posted by me were not meant to be offensive to anyone .My one concern is that we all have choices ,but when some people cloud that judgement by listening to what i would call gossip then the place we all call home suffers because in time it closes facilities here because of lack of use as many charlbury people have seen over the years.

Pippa Nash

Wed 11 Jun 2008, 23:56

I live in Charlbury and choose to be registered at a surgery I Chipping Norton (as i have already posted). I do hope that no-one takes offence that this is a perfectly reasonable choice I have. It by no means indicates that I don't think doctors at the Charlbury Practice do their best. I believe we should be given the choice to choose which doctors (and dentists for that matter) we go to. I love this town and I am very happy with my decision about which doctors look after the health of my family. I wish the doctors and practitioners at the Charlbury Surgery the very best. When I was looking for property here I was advised by several people completely independently to avoid Charlbury Surgery. Whether this was right or wrong, we all make decisions that we think are best. If this offends some people I make no apologies for prioritising my families health - which was the basis I first made and and I see no reason to change it at the moment.


Wed 11 Jun 2008, 23:29

Rebecca you do amaze me ,you hear things from a friend and then register with chippy doctors without finding out what ours are like for yourself first. IT just seems amazing that you did not move to chippy as well to save having to travel there everytime you need the doctor. Our doctors like all doctors dom their best ,but we all get things wrong sometimes .At least try something before you listen to gossip as you must have found in seven years that charlbury is famous for it?????

Rebecca Lee

Wed 11 Jun 2008, 12:28

Following my last posting I have taken the liberty of inviting the surgery to comment (I sincerely hope no-one has any objections). FYI I have posted a copy of my email below (don't all shout at once).

Good afternoon Wesley
There is a current posting on the Charlbury website forum…

Long post - click to read full text

Rebecca Lee

Wed 11 Jun 2008, 11:57

I have read the postings below with interest, particularly yours Frank (Payne).

I moved to Charlbury from Oxford just over seven years ago and during the move was advised by a friend to stear clear of Charlbury surgery for many of the same reasons Frank has already mentioned. Generally appointments were hard to get and when you did get in to see a doctor their attitude was, at best indifferent; at worst condescending and rude. Specifically my friend told me how her mother's life threatening illness was ignored and mis-diagnosed, she was often refused treatment for run-of-the-mill illnesses (ie. cold/flu/tonsillitis/ear infection) because she smoked and her manic depression was laughed off (literally!). And, my particular favourite: When my friend was pregnant the reception staff asked her whether or not she planned to keep the baby as this would determine which doctor she would see (and this in front of a packed waiting room).

I mentioned this conversation to my doctor in Oxford prior to the move and his opinion was that while it would be unethical to comment specifically he felt my friend had given me some sound advice about the Charlbury practice.

I registered with West Street Surgery in Chipping Norton.

I wonder if anyone has invited the staff at Charlbury surgery to this forum? Surely a priority is to have an efficient service within Charlbury - is the Practice even aware of their currently unnacceptable levels of service?


Fri 6 Jun 2008, 12:00

yes.. the poor poor doctors.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 6 Jun 2008, 08:08

Polyclinics? Take a look at

That's a different view of it!


Wed 4 Jun 2008, 08:18

i dont want to see the surgey close but i dont see why i should have to tell a receptionist what is wrong with before they decide wether i need to see a doctor. i know when i dont feel well and i know when i want to see a doctor. i know i have my moans about the surgey
but i dont want it to close.

Clive Cowen

Tue 3 Jun 2008, 23:05

Lorks and Lummy it seems that I must just be an old cynic and that Lord Darzi's reputation as the Dr Beeching of the NHS is unfounded - except the comments about the closing of rural surgeries do seem to be there. I take in that this is a nationwide petition but do not quite understand how that cannot affect Charlbury. I know it has been raining a lot but I did not realise we had floated offshore. I guess these experts in the know, must be just winding us up - but why I wonder. Mind you it does seem from some of the comments that there are those who would like to see the facilities in Charlbury closed down. I have actually found the services superb in Charlbury and wish I had moved there sooner. I have been amazed at the reliability and attention, bearing in mind some of the difficult and tragic emergencies that a rural practice must have to deal with. Don't others agree - well Caroline seems to and she sounds like a sensible girl. Hey ho better get off to bed.

Frank Payne

Tue 3 Jun 2008, 10:38

I left the Charlbury clinic for another doctor over a year ago, for the following reasons, some of which seem to be common to to others on this forum:

1. The difficulty of getting an appointment at a time that suited me rather then the doctors.
2. Being questioned by the receptionist as to why I needed to see a doctor - surely none of their business.
3. On those occasions when I did manage to get an early appointment finding the doctor arriving 20 minutes late for starting.
4. Consultations conducted with the doctor hardly looking up from their desk.
5. Being made to feel grateful that I had actually managed to see a doctor, rather than receiving a service for which I pay a lot through NI.
6. Being told that the best hospital to deal with a problem that I had was the JR, and then being sent to the Horton, even though the I was assured that I would be sent to the JR.
7. Having to return some months later not having heard from any hospital to remind them that I was still waiting.

I know of many others in Charlbury who have not written here but who have changed for similar reasons, and others who would love to move elsewhere and are unable for various reasons and feel afraid to speak out.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 2 Jun 2008, 23:15

If you go to the surgery to sign the petition you can see that it is a nationwide suggestion by the government - and would not affect Charlbury. You can read a leaflet about it down there.


Mon 2 Jun 2008, 22:30

it was put on to are finstock yahoo. someone from are group spoke to rogher edwards from the occ he is the health rep and he has said that there are no clincs planned for oxfordshire.only a gp lead clinic for banbury.

Clive Cowen

Mon 2 Jun 2008, 19:12

It would be a relief if Mandy is correct in saying that polyclinics are only for big cities. Although there is no indication that the government has instigated this policy to just provide extra facilities in a city that is growing in population. The policy appears to be the 'consolidation of surgeries' That means closing relatively small surgeries and consolidating facilities into a large clinic. If the government means what it is saying, it will be country practices that will be most at risk. Mandy seems to be definitely sure that polyclinics are only for large cities. I cannot find any announcement from goverment that says this. I guess we will just have to wait and see and hope that she is correct and I am wrong. Just in case, it still makes sense to protest as it is not yet too late.


Sun 1 Jun 2008, 15:55

there is no need to worry as the polyclincs are ony for the big citys like london the clinic in banbury is to help the hospital
and the growing size of banbury.

Caroline Wright

Sun 1 Jun 2008, 15:49

Clive Cowen and Reg James are quite right to be concerned about polyclinics. The threat is there, whether immediate or not. Banbury's clinic opens next spring. These clinics may have a place in cities, but surely won't work in other communities. The relationship with a local GP who knows you and your medical history is invaluable and surely not one that can be matched by a high turnover clinic in the nearest big town where you may never see the same doctor twice.

Clive Cowen

Tue 27 May 2008, 23:54

Mr Reg James link regarding polyclinics is a good one - well worth a read, even though it makes the blood run cold. My imagination won't now behave and I have this horrible vision of 'ROBODOC'. How long will it be before we sit in front of a machine that takes samples and prescribes without any consultation. I want to have a human caring and using their interlect when I am not well. I have written my letter to Mr Cameron. I don't suppose he will feel much at risk at the next general election but enough letters could keep him focused on preserving a national health service and not a privatised service with shareholders maximising their dividend by skimping on the treatment we receive. Mr Atlee and Beveridge must be turning in their graves.
If you read the material carefully you can see just how likely it is that a polyclinic in Witney will be the the place we all end up at. Let's start shouting and ensure that the only living thing in this area that has to attend a polyclinic is a pet parrot.

Reg James

Mon 26 May 2008, 21:36

Whatever has happenned to the Labour Party? To think I was an member for about 40 years! This is quite a good link:

Clive Cowen

Mon 26 May 2008, 12:29

Regarding Polyclinics:
If you don't believe the real danger, delve a little. It was first hidden in a interim report last October by a junior health minister. there have be no further public announcements but all strategic health authorities have been told to impliment the policy immediately. It is the greatest transformation in the history of NHS and it being implimented without public debate, public consent or formal consultation.
The policy is to consoldate doctors' surgeries into a series of giant health centres (polyclincs). Thousands of practices will be closed and patients will processed in buildings containing up to 50 GP's. It will be a massive reduction in convenience.
Rather than just signing a petition we should all be writing to our Member of Parliament. After all this is the beginning of the privatisation of the National Health Service.


Sat 24 May 2008, 09:18

it was dr brookes white and wesley that bourght the forms to finstock
the surgey is'nt in my good books at the mo as you can see but it would be a shame for ir to close as not everyone can drive and if that goes what else wil followit seems everything has to be in a main town like witney or chippy. and if they make the so called super clinc with 50 dotors then you would never see the same doctor twice.

Michael Flanagan

Sat 24 May 2008, 08:54

Am I the only one smelling something here?

1. No-one's demonstrated any real, current threat to Charlbury's surgery. The Co-op petition was - last night - being presented in the store as a response to an immediate threat. That's misleading, and if the doctors have anything to do with it, they're being downright unprofessional and abusing their position. The Co-op appears to be scare-mongering.

2. There apparently IS a more immediate threat to the surgery's ability to dispense. If this threat materialises, the Co-op gets a monopoly of dispensing in the town. Odd, isn't it, that the Co-op is NOT running a petition against this threat?

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 23 May 2008, 23:20

Having seen the petition in the Co-Op (and the appeal chalked on the blackboard in the Plough in Finstock) I'm not convinced this is a specific threat to Charlbury surgery - it's a national BMA campaign.

The BMA describes the threat as "the Government is now encouraging commercial companies to run GP surgeries... these companies are accountable firstly to shareholders not patients", which is something I'm happy to sign a petition against (and have done) - but there doesn't seem to be any particular relevance to Charlbury over and above the several thousand other surgeries in Britain. The petition in the Co-Op doesn't mention Charlbury specifically.

Christine Battersby

Fri 23 May 2008, 13:22

There's also a petition behind the counter at the Co-op. in Charlbury. Altho' I've been less than happy with the Charlbury surgery, it would be terrible to lose it ...


Fri 23 May 2008, 12:03

there should be one in the surgey the chemist try fiveways londis we have one in are shop at finstock and there are people conimg around door to door.

Shelagh Scott

Fri 23 May 2008, 08:18

Where do we go to sign the petition?

roger short

Thu 22 May 2008, 23:35

According to dr pippa-brookes-white this morning we are in danger of losing our surgery to what the govt call poly clinics . These would mean that the surgeries would close and the doctors would be employed by a company .If people do not want to see this happen in charlbury then sign the petition that our govt department has given 10 days only to object to this happening .SO ITS UP TO US THE PEOPLE .ARE WE HAPPY TO LOSE OUR SURGERY??????

Ian Lewis

Thu 22 May 2008, 10:50


There seems to be a national campaign to support NHS local facilities against government plans (see This seems to be organised by the BMA and is tied in with the 60th birthday of the NHS.

I havent seen anything to indicate a more local threat to facilities....but others may know better.


Wed 21 May 2008, 19:35

has any one heard that the surgey are facing problems dr brookes white and wesley came to finstock today to ask us all to sign a pertiction to save the surgey.


Sun 4 May 2008, 17:42

as parents for most of us we all know are own children so if 1 is feeling under the weather we take them to the doctors, as 1 doctor said to me years ago he would rather see a child that might be ill or not rather than not see them at all,

Katie Ewer

Sun 4 May 2008, 14:34

I recently took my 7 month old daughter to see the doctor who told me as I sat down that she was very busy. She failed to spot the throat infection that had caused her temp of 40C the night before, so I ended up taking her back again the next day after her temp reached 41C the next night. More haste less speed I think.

Chris Tatton

Sat 3 May 2008, 12:16

So there you go, problem solved, by the fantastic Medical Centre in Charlbury!


Sat 3 May 2008, 10:16



Fri 2 May 2008, 10:43

the point is if you cant get to see a doctor when your ill you wont have good health.

Charlotte Penn

Wed 30 Apr 2008, 21:30

At the end of the day, we all need help and care in this stressful life. One needs not to worry about anything more than necessary. Good health is the key and to be well looked with good communication skills.

It’s always the same story; there are some characters that have the wrong attitude, who don’t get on with their job.

That sleepless night and with my important documents stolen were the final straw, with my financial crisis.

My Doctor has come up trumps, so I’m delighted. Stress is a killer, when you are exhausted.

Thank the lord; there are those in Charlbury who care. And, thank you Harryd for your kind words and understanding.

We all have to pull together to help each other. That’s what this forum is about.

victoria bull

Wed 30 Apr 2008, 13:44

Re doctors 'cracking on'; Last time I went to the surgery I had the first appointment in the morning and the doctor was 20 mins late, and made light of it ("One of those mornings..."). This was the same doctor who once told me off very crossly for being 5 minutes late. If you are foolish enough to have more than one simple thing wrong with you will be told to make another appointment, as you've already used up your time. A town the size of Charlbury needs more than one surgery.


Wed 30 Apr 2008, 13:07

I agree with the difficulty in getting appointments. But it doesn't stop there. Last time I was lucky enough to get an appointment but then had to wait around for the doctor to eventually turn up. Once inside the consulting room the doctor kept telling me how he/she was very busy and had to 'crack on'. Crack on with what, if not dealing with the issues of the patient, ie me? I very rarely visit the surgery but whenever I do, I am always made to feel that the doctor would rather be doing something else. I too could rant and rave ad infinitum ... but won't.


Wed 9 Apr 2008, 21:08

i agree they should go back to the old way.

Andrea Swinburne

Mon 7 Apr 2008, 18:49

I totally agree with Katie. The doctors always turn up late, sometimes even up half an hour late. I have never gone in on the time my appoimtment has been for. And as for getting one in the first place...... It was much better how they used to have it set up.

Paul Taylor

Sun 6 Apr 2008, 08:21

Dentist are the same tell them you work they tell you to go private . Why pay national insurence ?. Its to pay for the ones that cant get of their arses and work for a living so they get more stuff for free. Most dentist that got the grants to start off are now private.

Geoff Belcher

Sat 29 Mar 2008, 18:43

no complaints about Charlbury Surgery, always manage to get apointments, Chippy may be fantastic, but would not fancy travelling that distance feeling unwell on a really bad weather day!


Sat 29 Mar 2008, 18:27

it would be nice to change but i live to far from chippy to got there.ive tried witney but they have all said no.

Pippa Nash

Thu 27 Mar 2008, 19:00

I am a patient at West Street surgery in Chippy, which is fantastic. It was recommended to me before I moved here, about 7 years ago, and I have been very impressed. I can always get appointments for my 3 year old and have never had a problem getting an appointment for myself either. I would strongly recommend it.

Katie Ewer

Tue 25 Mar 2008, 11:13

I would like it if the Doctors themselves could turn up for work on time instead of strolling in 15 minutes after surgery is supposed to start. It is no wonder that appointments always run late, when surgeries never begin on time. One of the Doctors at the practise is very punctual to be fair. Another is unbearably tardy.


Fri 21 Mar 2008, 11:18

you must be very lucky when i have phoned to see a doctor i can never get through and when you do your told they have all gone.then told to phone back at 3pm when you do your told that they are for people that work.when i said that i work im then asked weather it full time or part time what is it to do with them weather i work full or part.when you say part time they then say that eveing and early morning are for people that work full time. at least if you went down in the morning you saw a doctor.

Judy Kinchella

Fri 21 Mar 2008, 08:19

Am I the only one? If a member of my family or myself have needed to see the Dr, I have phoned 8.00am on the dot, (must admit I have waited a little while sometimes), but I have always managed to get an appointment.

I think this system is better than going down and waiting for a Dr, because you are not sitting in a waiting room with others with colds, etc.


Thu 20 Mar 2008, 21:36

to make the surgey better they should go back to the old way where you could see a doctor in the morning between 8am and 10.30am.the
not have to explain what the problem is thats for the doctor not everyone else to talk about.if i could change i would but i cant.there are so many issues i wouldnt know where to end.
so i will keep quite.

kelly harley

Thu 20 Mar 2008, 21:22

mmm - my thoughts on the surgery and how can they help us live a stress free life, it would be alot less stressful if you could get an appointment easily. i tried the other monday as i wanted an appointment for my 3 year old who had been unwell over the weekend, finally got through at 8.05 to be told all appointments had gone!! when i quered this i had to explain what was wrong with him to the receptionist and then i still didn't get an appointment, i said i didn't want to end up at oxdocs at night, but was told that was what they were there for!!! anyway, i have lots of issues with them, but i feel i may start to rant if i go on, but would be intrigued to what others opinions on the surgery are!

Charlotte Penn

Thu 20 Mar 2008, 17:05

Would love to know everyone's thoughts - on how we can help Charlbury Surgery - help us folks - all get better and live happy stress free lives in this mad world! Happy Easter weekend! Many thanks.

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