Charlbury surgery

Rebecca Lee

Wed 11 Jun 2008, 12:28

Following my last posting I have taken the liberty of inviting the surgery to comment (I sincerely hope no-one has any objections). FYI I have posted a copy of my email below (don't all shout at once).

Good afternoon Wesley
There is a current posting on the Charlbury website forum entitled 'Charlbury surgery' where residents have been discussing the current perceived threat to the surgery's future. During the discussions a number of residents have raised some concerns about the level of service being received from the sugery itself. Whilst I appreciate it's an area everyone will have an opinion on many of the complaints are quite serious with many residents (myself included) opting for the less convenient option of registering further affield; in Chipping Norton for example.

The recent petitions have thrown the surgery into the Charlbury spotlight. Unfortunately the conversations on forums, at the bar of the local pub, in the queue at the co-op and even wandering around Charlbury Open Gardens at the weekend have inevitably lead to people sharing their nightmare stories. People are beginning to ask themselves why they would sign a petition to maintain something they feel needs changing.

I am writing to you this afternoon to invite you to read the comments for yourself and to give you the opportunity to respond if appropriate. Often we assume that the owners of a poor reputation, whether deserved or perceived are aware of it and just choose to ignore the needs of the service recipients (I'm trying to avoid using the word 'customer' but in today's society that's exactly what we are and we are currently voting with our feet and with our pens). With the surgery so high in people's minds at the moment what better time to promote the great services you provide or maybe you would consider a forum whereby you could work with the community to provide the services we really need & want rather than sticking to a regime that clearly isn't working for many people.

I have posted a copy of this letter on the forum and invite you to respond there rather than to me directly.

With warm regards,
Rebecca Lee
Charlbury resident.

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