Derek Collett

Thu 18 Oct 2007, 11:37

Some workmen have been out this morning in Pooles Lane/Tanners Court seemingly pumping out sewage from underground, or at least it certainly smelled like it!

Jo Elliott

Wed 17 Oct 2007, 15:40

Sewage was flowing again down Poole's Lane this morning - from a blocked drain just up from the corner with Fisher's Lane. It's stopped now without any Thames Water intervention this time.

John Stanley

Sat 13 Oct 2007, 00:17

Although I am not a legal expert, I think there are three issues here.
1) It may be contrary to building regulations to connect downspouts from roofs into the sewers. These should really go into soakaways.
2) It is certainly not illegal to allow surface water to flow into the sewers. In fact, Thames Water invites its customers to claim a rebate if they undertake to prevent this happening - see paragraph on the reverse of Water Services Bills.
3) More serious, though, is the fact that, for whatever reason, sewers are being allowed to overflow with the contents ending up in the storm drains, and, eventually, in diluted form, in the Evenlode, no doubt. This certainly is illegal!

Ian Lewis

Fri 12 Oct 2007, 19:45

It is against water by-laws to connect storm water into a foul water sewer.

This used to be quite common and before privatisation it was quite common for houses to be checked and asked to ensure that storm water didnt go into foul and vice-versa.

Unfortunately many older houses only have a foul sewer and by design or accident (overflowing road gutters,overflowing soakaways etc) if the storm water gets into the foul drain then the foul drain cannot cope and overflows itself (as seen recently in Crawborough and Pooles Lane). If due to the amount of debris dragged into the foul sewer it remains partially blocked then you will get subsequent events with a much smaller runoff volume.

Dave Oates

Fri 12 Oct 2007, 19:22

I am intrigued as to what is meant by "illegally connected house water run-off". This problem has been caused by poor maintenance by Thames Water, not by the people of Charlbury! Comments like this are not helpful when trying to resolve the inefficiencies of the water companies

Stephen Andrews

Fri 12 Oct 2007, 16:05

It will be interesting to hear what the Environmental Agency and Ofwat say. I believe these problems occur only when there is a rain storm when surface water from the roads and driveways (and illegally connected house water run-off) overwhelms the sewage system. Given this situation I trust that the EA will inform the planners not to permit further development in Charlbury until this is addressed.

john h

Thu 11 Oct 2007, 22:52

Flooding at the bottom of Dancers hill is nothing new. Over 55yrs ago when my Grandfather had the builders yard there, he kept two pigs at the bottom of the yard, and I can remember the pigs having to swim from their styes to keep out of the water, I am afraid what ever is done there will always be a problem here, as 300 new houses pour their surface water to one the lowest point in the Town. The OCC could do more to clear the drains, but it appears to be a county wide problem . I was walking in the High St in Witney on Tues and had to walk through 1" of water because the drains were blocked.

Brian Murray

Thu 11 Oct 2007, 13:15

Yesterday's street cleaning was purely routine and not as a result of WODC instruction to Thames Water. WODC health dept and engineer's dept have both been to inspect the site and have said they will do whatever is needed to ensure cleaning is carried out by Thames and that measures are taken to prevent recurrences.

Thanks for your input Jon. I have spoken at length to the Environment Agency, who are making their own enquiries, and OfWat has also been informed.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 11 Oct 2007, 10:24

A couple of years ago there was a similar incident in Hixet Wood. I found raw sewage had forced a manhole cover up and was gushing down the road into a drain beside somneone's front door. It was not easy to contact Thames Water and they were extremely unhelpful.

But there is an additional point to be made: this is sewage that should not be going into the surface drainage system! Contaminating streams and rivers with raw sewage is an offence, for obvious reasons. Surely Ofwat and/or the Environment Agency should be involved at this stage?

Derek Collett

Wed 10 Oct 2007, 19:31

I hadn't meant to downplay the significance of the sewage issue. I was just speculating about whether the two problems (sewage plus flooding) might be linked and perhaps have a common cause. I was not greatly affected by the flooding in July 2006 but several of my neighbours were severely…

Long post - click to read full text

Brian Murray

Wed 10 Oct 2007, 18:40

Interesting to read of your concerns of a year ago Derek and that you conveyed them to the Town, District & County Councils. For most people the flooding at the foot of Dancers Hill from rainwater run-off was little more than an inconvenience for motorists and pedestrians. But whilst the feeling of helplessness and devastation felt by those into whose homes the floodwater flowed should be neither under-estimated nor forgotten, we face now a problem with health implications for the wider community, in that, during a six week period and on at least four occasions, raw sewage has been flowing along the streets of Charlbury.

Regarding your seven points put to the councils, are you able to put a synopsis of them on this forum, please? With the various organisations and people involved, in addition to the councils, as many ways as possible will be needed to ensure that those responsible act quickly and effectively to prevent further occurences.

I am pleased to read from you and John Stanley of the presence of the street cleaning lorry. WODC told me today that they had instructed Thames Water to clean up the mess within two hours. Whether the cleaner was as a result of that or simply a scheduled visit I don't yet know but I will clarify that tomorrow.

Derek Collett

Wed 10 Oct 2007, 13:36

John H: my concerns about the drainage/flooding in Dancers Hill/Pooles Lane/Tanners Court were communicated to all three bodies (Town Council, WODC and OCC) over a year ago. I know that a wider pipe was installed at the foot of Dancers Hill last autumn, but I can see no evidence that any of the suggestions in my letters (I sent them a seven-point plan!) have been addressed. However, one of those suggestions was more regular sweeping of the streets and as I (like John S) saw the street-sweeping lorry in action this morning perhaps something is finally being done about the situation. Now the other six points just need to be addressed. Yes, of course I can complain until I'm blue in the mouth about these issues but surely it is not asking too much to expect the streets to be kept clean and the drains kept clear as a matter of course? We all pay our taxes and I believe that the provision of very basic services such as these should be a right, not a special treat.

John Stanley

Wed 10 Oct 2007, 11:58

WODC street sweeping vehicle noted in Pooles Lane around 1130 today. It went down as far as Sandford Rise and then back up Pooles Lane again - mainly clearing leaves.

john h

Tue 9 Oct 2007, 23:31

The street sweeping/litter collection are the reponsibility of the West Oxfordshire District Council,road side drains are cleared by Oxford County Council, and Crawbrough is an unadopted road and the reponsibility of the residents, so you have a choice,or you could write to the Town Council who may be able to put pressure in the WODC& OCC. I do believe that Thames Water are on the case regarding the sewer problems. You can contact the Town Clerk on 01608 810608.As you can see it is not just one body that is responsible!!

Derek Collett

Tue 9 Oct 2007, 22:13

Is the paucity of drains along Pooles Lane an issue here? After my house flooded in July 2006 I walked up Pooles Lane and found just one drain (which was partially blocked) between Fisher's Lane and the Playing Close! At the same time, the drains adjacent to the Playing Close were mostly blocked with mud. I reported the situation to WODC but obviously nothing has been done about it. Are the drains in Charlbury ever unblocked? Are the streets ever swept? I have seen no evidence of either in the three years I have been living here. I did not see any sewage in Pooles Lane when I was out this morning but I did see loads of sand from Crawborough flowing down the street. Is it not possible for Crawborough to be tarmaced? Last summer half of Crawborough ended up in my front garden!

Jo Elliott

Tue 9 Oct 2007, 21:11

The same thing happened on August 11th and then on September 19th. Both times I called Thames Water and the problem was sorted out, temporarily. When I asked what they planned to do to fix the problem they said they would enquire and call back within 24 hours, but didn't.

Brian Murray

Tue 9 Oct 2007, 18:30

Pooles Lane & Dancers Hill are again contaminated with RAW SEWAGE - at least the 4th time in 6 weeks. This is a health hazard for everyone in and around Charlbury, not just the residents of the affected roads. Those driving, cycling or walking may well pick harmful bacteria on their tyres or shoes and carry the problem elsewhere - into their homes, the shops, Charlbury School, wherever they may be going.

The sewage is rising from gullies/drains on Pooles Lane but the problem is not always immediately apparent to unsuspecting people. However, toilet tissue and human excrement are definitely at the roadside.

These incidents have been reported to Thames Water and also to W.O.D.C.'s engineers and health departments and both organisations today appear to be taking the situation seriously. Charlbury Town Council is also actively involved trying to get the mess cleaned up and recurrences prevented. Thames & WODC have promised answers in 24 hours and I will post another bulletin on Thursday.

However, should you notice other occasions when this happens, please report it immediately to Thames Water by phoning 08459 200 800 taking option 5, then option 3 and option 2.

In the mean time please be alert and give the same advice to families and neighbours.

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