Where have all the journalists gone?

Nancy Whitfield

Thu 29 Mar 2018, 12:51 (last edited on Thu 29 Mar 2018, 12:54)


The Healthcare Information For All headquarters is in one of our community buildings. So I wanted to share this website for this organisation with you.
The World Health Organization has a new Director General and this means that our journalists must stop informing us daily about other continents, but instead lead us to learn more about where he comes from - the continent of Africa.

Here is a quote to illustrate the right direction of the world's top organizations - to try and take positive actions - and to bring peace, to all peoples.

"This project is a joint partnership between Healthcare Information for All, and the Knowledge for Health (K4Health) Project. K4Health is implemented by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, FHI 360, Management Sciences for Health, and IntraHealth International. It is supported by the United States Agency for International Development's Office of Population and Reproductive Health, Bureau for Global Health. This project is focused on family planning and contraception, and other topics may be outside the scope of this project."

Nancy Whitfield

Sat 24 Mar 2018, 21:42

In the March issue of OX magazine under the heading of Inspiration for Women in and Around the Cotswold - The Start of Spring is an interesting article written by Chelsea award winning garden designer Susan Dunstall. She talks about the outstanding women artists we have in Charlbury like Catherine Binnie, Maureen Sparling and Kati Eidenbenz. But everyone knows that these artists are only a few of the many artists and gardeners who worked so hard on today's Spring Art and Flower Show. And people have donated their artwork and flower arrangements to beautify the Memorial Hall for the BBO Wildlife Trusts and the Southill Solar's special Bee Show on this evening and the CRAG tea and concert tomorrow. It should be another sell-out concert not to be missed, so where are all the journalists in Oxfordshire?

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 24 Mar 2018, 14:28

Hedge funds.

Nancy Whitfield

Sat 24 Mar 2018, 06:50 (last edited on Sat 24 Mar 2018, 07:57)

"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit". E. E. Cummings
For the next two days, today and tomorrow, our Charlbury Memorial Hall will be once more transformed by an outpouring of activities, of art, flowers and music by the CAS, CRAG and the CGS. The CRAG's afternoon tea and concert on Sunday will once again transform everyone, while helping refugees.
Outpourings of man's creativity, all to celebrate these gifts at Eastertime.
Today you may see youngsters walking around Charlbury carrying their Easter bonnets, cakes and their minature gardens, celebrating the joys of Easter. Then you can see others joining them to make the unforgetable sight of the hall filled to capacity with flowers and artwork.
Everywhere I went yesterday, even along the roadside, I saw 100s of daffodils. What a cheering sight especially after last weekends snow and ice. Everyone has at least three dafodills in their garden, bring it along this morning and join the others in this glorious celebration of Spring.
"Tempus fugit"
And there is an art installation in this exhibition that Geoff Holmberg pointed out to me has no label, see how long it takes for you to spot it. And you just might be able to spot yourself, like Reg James, captured beautifully recently by the CAS portrait artists sessions in the Green Room - with his trumpet!

Nancy Whitfield

Sun 18 Mar 2018, 07:47 (last edited on Sun 18 Mar 2018, 08:10)

How can Charlbury Artweeks artists join together with our Refugees Action Group in their Art Cafe in our parish church and no one reports it? Even though it illustrates to the world the power of man's creativeness to achieve world peace. Anyone who has also been to our Memorial Hall's…

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