Charlbury Hub - register your interest

Liz Reason

Sat 5 Dec 2015, 14:36

Sounds great Jody. Not forgetting of course, that Southill Solar is going to make £100k available to the Corner House to contribute to the refurbishment costs to make the building warm and comfortable with low energy bills.

Jody O'Reilly

Thu 3 Dec 2015, 15:39

I've just returned from a conference in Manchester about the reuse of industrial buildings. While that isn't immediately relevant to Charlbury two of the speakers were Jonathan Robinson director of the Guardian's new civic hub space and founder of the international 'Impact Hub' and Rohan Silva, former policy advisor to our MP in his other bigshot role... David something or other (I'm grumpy at the vote last night) and now co-founder of Second Home a hub style working environment in East London for some of the country's most up and coming creative companies.

Both were founded in reused industrial/heritage buildings (hence their invitation to the conference) but both spoke very passionately about the benefits of the hub format for connecting people, energising working environments, facilitating inspiration and broader thinking and - in particular reference to their choice to reuse a heritage building - in bringing life back to neglected old structures and their surrounding areas.

While I am not for one instant comparing the Corner House to a derelict engine shed (Guardian Hub) or carpet factory (Second Home) it was clear that they both felt that bringing people of varied disciplines together to share work spaces, particularly in an historic building or area as opposed to a new build in a blank industrial estate was of benefit to everyone. I did draw some parallels with our proposed Charlbury Hub not only in continuing to use and benefit from the Corner House, our heritage building, but also in having working people actively present in the centre of our town.

I just wanted to share that bit of revitalised enthusiasm and thank all who've responded here and who are keen to see the Charlbury Hub become a reality benefiting us all.

Angela Moore

Wed 2 Dec 2015, 13:18

That's fantastic, Tony, thanks for sharing the news. Simon or I will give you a call to see how we can help / what more we need to do.

Tony H Merry

Thu 26 Nov 2015, 07:23

Very encouraged to see the interest in this as it is a project that the Corner House Future sub-committee encourages
Some good news from Rodney Rose our county Councillor -OCC has been awarded more than £86,000 by Arts Council England for Wi-Fi to be installed in the 28 Oxfordshire libraries that currently do not have it Installation will take place during Spring 2016.
So this will be available in the building including the shared office space

Alexandra Parker

Tue 24 Nov 2015, 22:47

Hello, please sign guy and I up! Well done ange

Jody O'Reilly

Mon 23 Nov 2015, 13:58

Thanks Maggie and Kieran, consider your names listed! Could you drop me a quick email as well so I have an address to contact you with directly. Thanks

Kieran Hood

Mon 23 Nov 2015, 10:49

I'd definitely be interested in this. I think it would be a very welcome resource.
Sign me up.

Maggie Watts

Sat 21 Nov 2015, 10:34

I would be interested too.

Jody O'Reilly

Fri 20 Nov 2015, 20:08

Thanks for that tip Liz, we will definitely take note of that, decent print capability up to A3 is high on my list too.

I also meant to say that we will be organising a social meeting of some sort to get some wider feedback on project specifics, and to meet and greet everyone. Probably in January once the post Cristmas reality of returning to work after Christmas kicks in!

Angela Moore

Fri 20 Nov 2015, 20:00

Thanks Liz - good to know.

Liz Reason

Fri 20 Nov 2015, 16:30

Hi Angela, I'm keen to have good printing and copying facilities, and have details of the supplier of the greenest such machine available when the time comes. Payment per page would be one way for the Hub to support its rental payments perhaps.

Angela Moore

Fri 20 Nov 2015, 15:41

Thanks Harriet and Lawrence for signing up - we'll be in touch!

Simon Himmens-Warrick

Fri 20 Nov 2015, 15:32

Great post Jody.

I'm sure there are many folk in Charlbury who'd like somewhere nice to work other than at home alone every single day. I'd really appreciate this, particularly in the holidays when having the children at home as well gets in the way of working.

The dawn of the digital nomad has broken. Similar places are popping up all over the place, and Charlbury would really benefit from keeping its workers in the town rather than wandering off to Oxford to find somewhere to work.

Angela Moore

Fri 20 Nov 2015, 11:32

We will do. Thanks, Mike - we'll be in touch.

Mike Williams

Fri 20 Nov 2015, 11:03

Please register my interest.

Thank you.

Jody O'Reilly

Fri 20 Nov 2015, 10:56

This post is looking to raise a list of firm expressions of interest in the proposed Charlbury Hub.
The proposed Charlbury Hub seeks to provide hot-desk office space for people in Charlbury and around. We want to provide a pleasant, welcoming space to work, with useful resources. We want to…

Long post - click to read full text

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