Charlbury Hub - register your interest

Jody O'Reilly

Fri 20 Nov 2015, 10:56

This post is looking to raise a list of firm expressions of interest in the proposed Charlbury Hub.
The proposed Charlbury Hub seeks to provide hot-desk office space for people in Charlbury and around. We want to provide a pleasant, welcoming space to work, with useful resources. We want to make it as simple, flexible and affordable as possible to book desks, so that more people can use the Hub. We want to help make Charlbury a better place to live and work.
We propose to run the Charlbury Hub as a community club, the precise pricing depends on our gaining enough interest. It will aim to pay for itself but not to generate profit; any fees that are raised would be ploughed back into reducing membership or desk booking fees as well as to providing improved office working facilities. The following is a summary of our thoughts to date:
• We are in discussions with the Corner House over a permanent lease on the Larcum Kendall room for this purpose.
• We would provide: desks, power, fast secure internet and hopefully printing facilities within the Corner House
• We have drafted a constitution and financial policy, we are looking at insurance.
• There would be a monthly membership fee (as low as we can make it) which will assist in covering fixed costs and in ensuring security.
• Desks will be booked individually using an online system by the day (perhaps by the half day if it seems viable).
• Computers will not be provided though our hope is to provide some large screens in the long run to aid in graphics or highly visual work, this will be a 'bring your laptop in' hot-desking facility.
• The club is being set up by a small group of us who are keen to see it work but once members are established we would seek assistance with running the club in terms of electing the club trustee positions: chair/treasurer/directors and also voluntary help.

We would love to have the Charlbury Hub up and running next spring by the 1 March.

The Charlbury Hub space could be used by those of us who work from home and who may be finding long runs of home working difficult for any number of reasons - too many distractions, too lonely not seeing other people for days on end, or by members of the community working on a project for club or society who need office type facilities for a day or so, there may be other potential users, we'd like to know if there are.
We are hoping to foster creativity and productivity as well as reducing isolation for home workers and increasing the level of contact between the many varied members of our community who might find a use for this facility.

If you are interested in joining the Charlbury Hub, or indeed have any further questions or want to help us finalise the club and get it up and running, please respond here and email either myself - Jody at or Angela on

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