
Paul Taylor

Tue 21 Aug 2012, 21:42 (last edited on Tue 21 Aug 2012, 21:44)

direct quote from Liz Leffman

14 Aug, 13:10 (last edited on Tue 14 Aug, 13:12)

I went to meet Andrew Ward, the environmental health officer in charge of Wilderness, this morning. His officers monitored noise levels across Charlbury many times during the weekend and did not record levels that were in excess of the license, or standards set by the WHO. That said, there was a problem on Sunday night. The license permits music on the secondary stages till 2am, and the change in wind direction meant that this was audible in several parts of Charlbury. I have asked that next year, the Safety Advisory Group, which is responsible for setting out the rules for the festival, requires the music to finish at midnight on the Sunday. He has agreed and considers this to be reasonable. It will not change the nature of the festival, nor will it restrict people's enjoyment, but it will mean that people can get a good night's sleep. This will come up next April when the SAG next meets to discuss Wilderness, and I will make sure that it is on the agenda

Things need clearing up first Was it being monitored after 12oclock I dont believe it was or this would not be on here being discussed. Seems to be some back tracking on next years event already. In my mind the only way it will go on next year is a 12oclock finish on the Sunday.

Liz Leffman

Tue 21 Aug 2012, 17:56

Just to be clear, the end time on Sunday night has not been brought forward for next year - I have suggested that this is given consideration but it will be up to the council's Safety Advisory Group, whch consists of police, environmental health officers etc, to decide if this will happen. And they will not be meeting till April. Just don't want to get everyone's hopes up but I will keep an eye on this

Alex Flynn

Tue 21 Aug 2012, 00:25 (last edited on Tue 21 Aug 2012, 00:26)

Looks like I've really stirred a hornet's nest!

@Matt Cardy, in the spirit of your post, as a friend of mine joked on one of the social networking sites, how can the festival be called "Wilderness" Festival when there are thousands of people descending upon it! A bit of an oxymoron, perhaps?

Paul Taylor

Mon 20 Aug 2012, 22:06

The sound level went up at 12 we keep getting told the levels were continually being monitored and it was the wind how come the sound was heard to get louder in Finstock/Charlbury/Chadlington/Ascott under wychwood/Fawler all at the same time. Strange sort of wind blowing out from Cornbury park or was it in fact the sound monitor had left and the volume did go up. Which ever we have been told that next year 12 oclock finish on Sunday which is great for all of us that get up early for work. this is the last we should hear of it OK end off no more.

James Burrough

Mon 20 Aug 2012, 21:20

There are plenty of rules and guidelines to follow, and they will have put a very good case to WODC before a license was granted. WODC themselves, so I am told, came out and measured the noise and it was within guidelines.
Some like music, some motorbikes, some love dogs, some have small children who play. We all have to live together and accept one or two compromises. I would prefer a couple of days and late nights a year of varied music than 365 days of yap yap from next doors dog, at any hour of the day.
Please stop grumbling. If you have something constructive ( positive ) to say, put it to WODC.

Charlotte Penn

Mon 20 Aug 2012, 20:14

How funny and ironic you mention 'The wrong kind of snow', as my fab cousin wrote that book. It's a very good read.


Mon 20 Aug 2012, 18:06

@Harriet - I'm assuming that if noise level was within their license (see PresseR on the News Section of this website), then they were within the 'rules/law' of their license. However, as you rightly pointed out it is indeed a futile discussion now, given that the end time for the live music (on the Sunday night) has been brought forward for next year's festival.

@Charlie - Wasn't there something too about the wrong type of leaves - as well as the snow?! ;-)

Charlie M

Mon 20 Aug 2012, 17:10 (last edited on Mon 20 Aug 2012, 17:16)

Given the complainer's comments about "bells a ringing", I wonder if it is all simply a case (not for me, I hasten to add!) of a parallel situation to that of (I think) British Rail some years ago when they bought some rather expensive snow clearers that didn't work and blamed it on "the wrong kind of snow" ... is this a case of "the wrong kind of noise"?!?!
And I would respectfully suggest that the noise that my little car makes is considerably quieter than those "bells a ringing"!
Just saying ...

Harriet Baldwin

Mon 20 Aug 2012, 16:40

"The noise levels on the Sunday night were just unfortunate (wind direction) - Wilderness/Cornbury were not in breach of the law "
Are you sure? Surely the fact I could record it on a mobile phone indoors with double glazed windows shut implies that they were.

If it's due to the wind direction, that's unfortunate but something that should have been taken into account when WODC decided about the licence. It's also somewhat irrelevant given that we've been told that next year Sunday's music won't go on so long!


Sun 19 Aug 2012, 22:53

The noise levels on the Sunday night were just unfortunate (wind direction) - Wilderness/Cornbury were not in breach of the law (Charlotte - take note). I appreciate that some people find it difficult to sleep but to be honest, as it's been very eloquently articulated on this thread many times before, it's just one weekend a year that this festival occurs.

Alas Ms Penn seemingly has a huge number of other issues: dogs, doors, kids crying, yapping - you get the gist - the kind of general ambient 'noise' that occurs within a thriving community - in the day and after 11pm - God forbid if my child was crying in earshot of aforementioned's bedroom window....

It's all about compromise - I have elderly parents who live in Charlbury, and whilst Wilderness is certainly NOT their cup of tea, they're broad shouldered enough to recognise the benefits it brings to the local community (shops) as well as the Charlbury School and Pre-school's stalls.

I hope it's not so out of order for me to suggest that those with an obvious severe degree of insomnia should invest in a pair of earplugs (certainly something, being a light sleeper myself, I tend to carry around in my own washing bag and use accordingly).

River Tarnell

Sun 19 Aug 2012, 22:37

Liz, I didn't want to sound rude but I was going to say something similar. I love that Charlbury has a vibrant local community, which the various festivals and other events are a part of. If the entire place went to sleep at 11PM it would be pretty boring!

I agree Wilderness was quite loud at 2AM Sunday morning (although it didn't bother me), and if that violated the terms of their license, then that's a problem; but really, people closing car doors? That's just part of living somewhere that isn't a graveyard.


Sun 19 Aug 2012, 22:32

Charlotte, it seems to me that with your inability to sleep in this town you should look, perhaps, to move somewhere completely isolated where you'd find the tranquility you so justly deserve....? What exactly keeps you in Chalbury? - for me that is a question that I would certainly be asking myself given you numerous epistles to that end on this forum....

Charlotte Penn

Sun 19 Aug 2012, 15:48

I'd really like to thank those of you last night and this morning, for keeping me awake all night, yet again. Last week was ruined and next week is too already for me, and so it goes on, as a result of this noise pollution, here in Charlbury. I won't…

Long post - click to read full text

Matt Cardy

Fri 17 Aug 2012, 18:09

The music from Wilderness this year did seem surprisingly late and loud. Could we be heading for a Glastonbury type of situation? It was fine for us but I do sympathise with people who live closer. It also struck me as slightly incongruous that Wilderness is promoted as a 'green' sort of festival and yet the music is pumped out at huge wattage? Shouldn't it all be acoustic? Has anyone asked the animals in the ancient Wychwood Forest whether they were disturbed?...

Harriet Baldwin

Thu 16 Aug 2012, 15:27

a summer holiday!
Jean, I haven't been able to afford a holiday summer, winter or any other time of the year for the past 15 years. I have heard people where I live saying that the festival is for people with money, and I'm sure comments like yours will just make them think this even more.

As I said, I have no problem with the festival in general provided the music is not so loud I can hear it inside my house with the windows shut on a Sunday night/Monday morning when I have to work on the Monday.

Jean Adams

Thu 16 Aug 2012, 14:57

Surely, if you don't want to attend, and there is pleanty of warning of the date, then is that not a perfect time to take your Summer Holiday? Leave the festival to those of us who like to relax and have fun near home.


Tue 14 Aug 2012, 08:12

I didnt go and didnt hear anything untill sunday it did go on till about 3am
But its once a year so give them a break it raise alot of money for local Charity's with ie the 2 schools Charlbury and Finstock with out such event s the schools would indeed struggle. All the people that saw walking around charlbury were friendly enough so lets say well done cornbury For all the hard work that it involves and letting the schools and other charity's get involved.

Dave Oates

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 21:56

Charlotte, I symapathise with you if you were disturbed but as has already been stated, my understanding is that at no point did Wilderness exceed the sound levels stipulated in the licence. However, having been at the festival all weekend which by your own admission, you weren't, I have to protest strongly about the phrase "We are all very lucky that nothing serious happened to someone's child, with all that alcohol and drugs consumed" in your first post. This is a slur on Wilderness and on Cornbury. I witnessed no unpleasantness as a result of abuse of any substances, alcohol or otherwise. The atmosphere was one of harmony, friendliness and was incredibly child friendly. We are priviledged to have such an incredible event within walking distance of the town and should do everything we can to ensure it stays that way. I talked to many festival goers from all over the country, almost all of which commented on how perfect the site was and how beautiful Charlbury was!!

Charlotte Penn

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 16:26

I have to excuse my soap box ranting, due to my noise pollution issues, in my haste I failed to add the below, of which I had intended to say.

My ongoing grumbles our over the LFN, and the council, which keeps me and other Charlbury folk awake, as it does in other parts of the country.

I would like to say that, due to my fibromyalgia, a sleepless night can trigger off more stress, and more sleepless nights.

However, I care deeply about our environment and others. I would in no way, want to stop folks from enjoying themselves. And, wished that I could afford to go to the festival, and share in the joy. I'm also proud that it is in Charlbury, in such beautiful surroundings. Alas, I can't afford to, and am always working, when folks are at play. For the record, I barely heard much, over the weekend, except for this morning. My only suggestion is that allowing serious partying till 2am on a Monday morning is not healthy for anyone.

I do hope that you folks understand the noise issues, and please don't make us folks, who struggle to sleep, feel guilty for trying to ensure a peaceful environment, when people need to sleep. It is a serious issue.

Jean Adams

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 16:05

i was at Wilderness for each day but returned home Sunday by 9pm to see the Olympics Closing Ceremony.I met the WOCA Sound Check man in Church Street en route to check the sound and understand he had also been to the Festival to check sound with no problem the night before, so it was definitely the wind direction on Sunday that caused the problem. He did say "what a wonderful atmosphere, no drunkenness, everyone having a wonderful time.
Although not to excuse anything, if you were not there you missed a wonderful weekend with everyone having an amazing time, with good food,various workshops, literary festivals, music of every kind including a Vicar (not sure he was, really) conducting a choral workshop at 'The Village Green' who then joined a real choir on The Bandstand singing Bohemian Rhapsody, the audience just sitting around on the grass applauding vigourously.
One of my most memorable scenes is Sunday evening sitting on a grassy bank overlooking a Fire Pit and further, the lake, watching and listening to our own Thousand Mile Highway playing on the Friends of the Earth Busking Stage which had hosted several different groups throughout the day, the sound engineer and organisers giving of their time in support for The Bee population, which is endangered.
Please do not let last evening endanger this wonderful Wilderness. I urge you all to attend next year as you have missed something very special.

Jackie Hague

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 15:18

We went to Wilderness on Friday and thoroughly enjoyed it. Late on Saturday night, we were sitting in our garden (on Woodstock Road) watching the meteor shower - yes we did see some - and there was very little sound coming from the festival site. On Sunday night, as Andrew said, owing to the wind direction, the sound carried over, but far from being annoyed, we were pleased to enjoy the music whilst sitting in our garden.
Congratulations to the organisers and to Lord and Lady Rotherwick for a successful Festival. We are very fortunate to have such a well run event here on our doorstep which is enjoyed by all ages and one which provides a very welcome boost to the local economy.

Andrew Chapman

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 14:49

While it was certainly loud on Sunday night, it should also be observed this must be on account of the wind direction - on Friday, when there was just as much going on at the festival, the centre of Charlbury was as silent as ever.

Kate Hall

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 14:43

I live very close to Cornbury Park (right opposite!!) and yes I could hear the music last night, but not enough to keep me awake. Wilderness is, in my opinion, very positive for Charlbury. The staff over the last few weeks have been eating and drinking in our pubs and co-op have seen a huge increase in trade. I imagine it's also an essential source of income for the estate. I think we are very lucky to have a delightful festival on our doorstep (it could be far far worse!)and for a few days a year, who cares. It brings money to the area, creates jobs and it made a lot of people very happy, on a beautiful August weekend. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am not sure that noise pollution over one or two nights, only up until 2am, can make people ill. If it does - then it's a serious matter. But we have to remember, it's just for a few nights a year. It's a beautiful, family friendly festival, which celebrates the outdoors. Count ourselves lucky, and let's just be pleased that people are spending money and enjoying themselves. Even if a few of us lose a little bit of sleep (I can lose hours sleep every now and then by being too hot or being stressed!) - to me, it's not the end of the world and I completely embrace it.

Charlotte Penn

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 14:08

I totally agree with you Harriet. The conservative council, and some, are turning their usual blind eyes, to this, and all serious issues. I'm still affected by the LFN. No important issues get sorted out by our local PM, unless you're rich, in this country, and around the world. They're too busy trying to make themselves look good, to give a monkey. People, who are employed, should do their jobs, to their best of ability. Those who job it is, should listen to what we folk say, and stop procrastinating. Oh, and yes, allow folks to enjoy themselves, but more supervision is required and common courtesy. We are all very lucky that nothing serious happened to someone's child, with all that alcohol and drugs consumed. Now that police have no power to control this, it's up to our environmental officers. I'm not impressed by them at all, as you all know. Noise pollution is a very serious issue, caused by inconsiderate people, and makes people ill.

Harriet Baldwin

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 13:13

Apparently the licence went until 2:00. Why would the council permit a licence for that time on a Sunday night/Monday morning when people will be working the next day?

I live in Hughes Close. Since I seem to be making complaints :-) can I also complain about the light pollution from the festival site on the only weekend of the Perseid shower? It didn't impress me. especially as they make a point of having the Royal Observatory there.

The trains also need sorting, as I'm sure FGW will say. I've just come into Oxford on a train packed full of festival people. The station staff were saying they had probably four HST-loads on the platform and were going to have to bus them into Oxford, Teresa Ceesay said she had to put 350 people on trains yesterday

Liz Leffman

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 12:40

It would be helpful if people could let me know if they were disturbed by noise from Wilderness. I wasn't disturbed myself, but I know a lot depends on where in Charlbury you are. I will gather information and pass on to officers for future use. Please e mail me at liz.leffman@westoxon.gov.uk

Harriet Baldwin

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 11:31

It was no doubt the campsite rather than the festival itself, but possibly it still constitutes a licence breach as they should ensure people don't bring sound-systems onto the site. Unfortunate for them as the rest of the festival seemed good, although I didn't go.

You can make out the music even allowing for the poor quality of my mobile's recording ability. I recorded it indoors with the double-glazed windows shut.

Alex Flynn

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 09:53

If it wasn't Wilderness who was pumping out repetitive beats at this time in the morning. I could almost make out the record it was so loud!

Alex Flynn

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 01:11

There is still music pumping out of the Wilderness Festival at 1am. I am glad I don't have to work tomorrow! Unacceptable!

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