
Charlotte Penn

Sun 19 Aug 2012, 15:48

I'd really like to thank those of you last night and this morning, for keeping me awake all night, yet again. Last week was ruined and next week is too already for me, and so it goes on, as a result of this noise pollution, here in Charlbury. I won't bore with those details, as those noisy early morning partiers obviously don't care, after 11pm.

To start the night's excessive noise pollution, I am referring to the excessive loud music, earlier on in the night. However, they did quieten down, last night. Thank the Lord. However, in the early hours, of today, there was car doors, front doors, slamming loudly, whilst a yap, yapping, whilst entering their doors. Then folks were heard returning home, in the early morning, from their late night partying, a yap, yapping loudly. Then of course, dogs started barking loudly, whilst all this was happening, a kids crying, all obviously very distressed. And, finally the boilers were a firing loudly, when it's unnecessary.

There are folks, who don't party in this town and need to sleep peacefully, especially the elderly and young, who really need their sleep to function. There are a lot of people in this town, who are in considerable pain. They really need their sleep to mend.

Noise pollution is illegal after 11pm, in towns, etc,. Licensed premises need permission at court, for late night music to be played, after 11pm. Law! And, there are laws regarding permission to have karaoke.

Our council are responsible, in protecting us against noise pollution. www.westoxon.gov.uk/environment/noise.cfm


If you noisy folk want to make excessive noise, do so where folks, who need to sleep can't hear you. This is a town, not a city. This town is nosier than most cities; I've slept in, around the world.

Noise pollution makes folks very ill. www.environmental-protection.org.uk/noise/environmental-noise/health/

Anyway thanks ever so, once again, for my sleepless night, you noisey ones. I note you're all tired and silent now. In fact I've never heard Charlbury so quiet. No shit Sherlock, all folks are now tired, here in Charlbury.

Now, I really hope everyone has a good day, today in Charlbury? Thank the Lord; there are no planes and helicopters today, just loud cars/motorcycles now.

The sun is shining at last, in this blissful peace. Now, I can hear the birds singing and the bells a ringing, when there's no pollution. Sunday's a day of peace and rest for all, and is so after 11pm till Monday morning till 7am. Law!

Life is good, when it rains and shines come what May. And, I thank the Lord, for the wonderful life, we can have with peace to all. I hope you noisy ones can hear this message?

Sweet dreams. Amen

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