Security Systems Scam in Charlbury

Helen Bessemer-Clark

Thu 11 Apr 2013, 08:58

On Guard 24 called me this week too - even sailors would blush at the language I used on them! But there is another persistent voice from another company that calls regularly at 4.20 p.m. Is anybody else receiving a timed regular call? Helen BC

Katie Ewer

Wed 10 Apr 2013, 16:25

Me too, wish they would go and do something meaningful with their time.

Ann Harper

Tue 9 Apr 2013, 22:39

I was phoned yesterday by a man who said he was from something like Home Protection. I said I was registered with the TPS and put the phone down. He immediately rang back and was most persistent saying that his company would be giving away 2 free home protection kits in the area. I said I didn't need any more home protection and put the phone down again.

Simon Walker

Mon 8 Apr 2013, 16:40

OnGuard Security called us again this afternoon. Looks like they've got around to cold calling in Charlbury once again.

John Munro

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 13:39

Back at their old tricks yet again today!
Got cold called about an hour ago.....

Simon Walker

Wed 25 Jan 2012, 17:30

OnGuard 24 is back again .... yippee!

Jackie Hague

Fri 21 Oct 2011, 10:14

They're back again. I've just received a call from Direct Response about the crime prevention scheme in Charlbury this week. Having asked the caller how she got our number she was a little wary. Saying we were registered with TPS elicited the reply that you may have to re register annually. I told her we do check every few months and always get the reply .. You are already registered with TPS. Then came her profuse apology and the promise to remove us from their database.

Andrew Wilkins

Thu 15 Sep 2011, 14:28

I have been registered with the TPS for years but it seems that there are many unscrupulous organisations/individuals at home and abroad who can get round it. As a result I now have a device attached to my phone line called "Truecall" This will monitor every incoming and outgoing call…

Long post - click to read full text

Christine Battersby

Tue 13 Sep 2011, 17:35 (last edited on Tue 13 Sep 2011, 17:40)

Yes, they called me too. But I certainly wouldn't want to fill in my details on that form, Chris!

But here's something very funny: this is the firm that is featuring so strongly in the popular press (Express, the Mail & now even the Online Nigeria News) complaining that the work-shy people of Coventry are not signing up for this most useful job!

To see photos of who is calling you here's the link

And perhaps the firm is indeed legitimate; but, if so, they are rather naive ... I'd be interested to know if anyone has allowed them to talk long enough to see if it's the old £1 scam ...

Chris Bates

Tue 13 Sep 2011, 10:07

LOoks like this lot?

There's an option there to request removal from their calling lists. Now there's proof they're a uK company, a complaint to TPS ought to have results.

Simon Walker

Mon 12 Sep 2011, 20:53

On Guard 24 is based in Coventry, not Bangalore (see John's post of 2nd August). The accent gives it away. The nice lady who called me today got as far as telling me that they are from Coventry, but didn't feel able to give me the company's corporate details, phone number and the other information that I had asked her for. She also denied categorically that they had called here before (MY post of 2nd August refers ....)

And Kat is right - the TPS has no power over calls that originate overseas. BT does have a number that you can call to tell them about nuisance calls, including these - 0800 411422 - and they say that they are trying to get as much information together to give them a better chance of handling the problem. Good luck, BT ....

Kat Patrick

Mon 12 Sep 2011, 20:28

Apparently TPS has no jurisdiction over calls coming from abroad, and most of these cold-calling sales punts are originating overseas. Rats!

Andrew Greenfield

Mon 12 Sep 2011, 15:46

Yes, I was phoned this morning by On Guard 24, I think, though I simply stop listening when such things come.
I told the polite female before she had even hardly started, to stop talking, and that we are registered with the TPS. She did apologise and said I would be removed from their database.

The real question is "why are we on it in the first place?" The TPS used to be very good and worthwhile, but seems less so now, though I accept that I have no way of knowing how many cold calls I would get if we were not registered; perhaps many, many more than we do now.

John Munro

Mon 12 Sep 2011, 11:08

They are back again - phoning with regard to the 'Crime Prevention Scheme' that is being run in Charlbury this week.
I am sure you can all guess what my reply was!

Mike Williams

Sat 6 Aug 2011, 12:03 (last edited on Sun 7 Aug 2011, 20:25)

I ask them if they know they've called a business line. Never hear from them a second time.

graham W

Sat 6 Aug 2011, 11:44

I feel that the best way to stop these calls (especially if they are trying sell things to with the house) is to say that the house is rented, they put the phone down before you!

Simon Walker

Fri 5 Aug 2011, 13:05

The problem, John, is that the TPS itself can't actually do anything. All it does is keep a register of phone numbers that marketing companies should not call, because the numbers have been opted out. You can indeed let them know that a company has called you despite the number being registered, but after that it's up to other organisations (trade associations? Offcom? Trading standards ? whoever?) to pick up the baton and slap the offender's wrist. Dream on ....

Plan B is for the individual to sue the offending company for invasion of privacy and, if I remember correctly, someone was successful in doing that a few years ago.

John Munro

Fri 5 Aug 2011, 11:12

Maybe the complaints should be directed to TPS

Simon Walker

Fri 5 Aug 2011, 09:22

Feeling in a pre-9.00 am magnanimous state of mind, I have just had a 15-minute conversation with the charming Mandy from Direct Response, and then one of the 'supervisors' - a chap named Peter. Both of them apologised PROFUSELY for having called when we are listed with the TPS - "I don't know how it could have happened, we spend thousands on buying in this information, it's supposed to be screened, and you can count on the fingers of one hand .... etc etc" What I did glean from them is that the company is based in Sutton Coldfield, and both of them gave me the same phone number - 0845 3311133. Looking up on the web gave the following address for the company - Direct Response Security Systems Ltd, 4 Emmanuel Court, Reddicroft, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1TJ. What I suggest is that everyone affected by their cold calling sends a letter of complaint to the company's three directors, who are - according to the latest records at Companies House - Lee Vernon Hosking, David Thomas Price and Ranjit Singh Dhillon. Of course, anyone who is feeling particularly vindictive could sent the letters and forget to put stamps on them as well ....

Helen Wilkinson

Thu 4 Aug 2011, 21:19

Called by Direct Response this afternoon. I answered politely, then made an excuse to 'turn off a pan in the kitchen' and left them hanging on. I think it was about 5 minutes before they gave up. We are registered with TPS to stop unwanted sales calls - but it does not seem to mean anything to this firm.

John Munro

Thu 4 Aug 2011, 18:28

That was about 5 minutes before they rang me!
He didn't like being left just hanging on whilst I carried on working for 5 minutes before putting phone back in its cradle!

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 4 Aug 2011, 17:25

Direct Response are still doing the rounds - rang me today at about 5pm.

John Munro

Wed 3 Aug 2011, 08:00

My wife received one of these calls yesterday from OnGuard24 and thought they were UK based and quite pushy. MY usual tactic is to say 'can you hold the line just a minute',then just leave them hanging on the line for 5 minutes or so before hanging up. They will either have hung up themselves quite soon, or if they remain hanging on will have racked up call charges for themselves and at the same time been unable to pester someone else!

Jean Adams

Tue 2 Aug 2011, 22:58

If it is not someone I know, I put the phone down immediately. Don't bother to ask who they are, the calls are clocking up all the time.Preference register does not seem to be that effective as calls are from outside UK..

John Munro

Tue 2 Aug 2011, 11:57

OnGuard24 appear to be based in Coventry and have the following website

Simon Walker

Tue 2 Aug 2011, 10:40

Just to let you all know that a company called 'On Guard 24' is now doing a cold call-round. I asked them if they were in any way connected with 'Direct Response' - the previous miscreants - which they denied. However, they also said that they are using a bought-in phone data-set, and were unaware of our registration with the TPS. Sounds as though they are the same bunch as before, although marginally more polite on the phone. Number withheld, so no call-back possible.

Hamish Nichol

Fri 20 May 2011, 14:16

It's always worth googling any unknown numbers or looking them up on
Andrew: it appears someone may be trying to sell you cavity wall/loft insulation from the number you listed.

Andrew Greenfield

Thu 19 May 2011, 20:37 (last edited on Thu 19 May 2011, 20:41)

Does anybody happen to have the telephone number they are phoning from? We have a caller display phone and have had several calls in recent days from 08452 879493 which is either non responsive when we answer, or simply shows as a missed call on the display. I am beginning to wonder if this is another example of "Direct Response".

I will be very happy to give them a "direct response" if they do phone me with a call which we do get to answer, but I doubt they will like what they hear!

John Munro

Thu 19 May 2011, 17:53

Got a call myself around lunchtime. As soon as the women said "Direct Response", I said "no thank you" and immediately got the reply "but I haven't tried to sell you anything yet"
Needless to say I put the phone down.
HOWEVER - a better wheeze is as soon as you know it is Direct Response, ask if they could hold the line just a minute, then put your phone down without hanging up and leave them holding on the line for as long as it takes for them to realise they have been had.
Not only does it rake up their phone bill, it means that their operative is unable to pester anyone else for the time they are waiting for you to go back to them.......

Simon Walker

Thu 19 May 2011, 12:29

My, oh my, how lucky I am ...... It's Direct Response cold-calling again (see my posts of 5th April and 8th February). I even got a supervisor promising to remove my contact details from their calling list, so we'll wait and see whether that has any effect. 8th Feb, 5th April, 19th May .... maybe towards the end of June next time ??

glena chadwick

Tue 5 Apr 2011, 14:53

Had 2 this a.m. from Direct Response----put phone down.

Charlotte Penn

Tue 5 Apr 2011, 14:00

I've had loads of calls to - from a dodgy numbers. I looked them up online and they are definetly called calling scams. I never answered any of them. What are the numbers - you are coming up with? One of which, online came up with it being from Orange!

Roger Ford

Tue 5 Apr 2011, 13:49

I have just had a call from a 'Direct Response' woman.
I couldn't be rude so I just put the phone down.

John Munro

Tue 5 Apr 2011, 11:59

Yes, looks like the case, as received a call myself about half an hour ago. Needless to say, I told the gentleman where to go!

Simon Walker

Tue 5 Apr 2011, 11:22

It looks like Direct Response has a two-month cycle for cold-calling in this area (see my post from 8th Feb). Yippee!

Dave Gamble

Sun 13 Feb 2011, 21:54

A simple remedy if, like me you have a display 'phone.
If you don't recognize the number or it says International or number not known etc don't answer! If it is important then the caller will leave a message.
My wife and have been driven insane over the last 3 or 4 years with cold calls day and night and since we stopped answering, the calls have reduced dramatically.
Of course, as a last resort, you could use the John H charm school way and tell them to indulge in sex and travel!

john h

Sat 12 Feb 2011, 11:14

Yes I have had a Genleman call from abroad to tell me that Microsoft had identified a problem with my PC, and could I turn it on and he would solve my (non existant) problem. He was very insistant that I carry out his request, this happend on two occasions, and after giving him a lesson in Old Anglo Saxon Language the second time, he did not return.

john h

Sat 12 Feb 2011, 11:14

Yes I have had a Genleman call from abroad to tell me that Microsoft had identified a problem with my PC, and could I turn it on and he would solve my (non existant) problem. He was very insistant that I carry out his request, this happend on two occasions, and after giving him a lesson in Old Anglo Saxon Language the second time, he did not return.

Kat Patrick

Thu 10 Feb 2011, 17:45

Crime Research, another one about new building regulations that require my updating my insulation, etc, and another about my computer coming up on their screen with an "infected" sign ... these cold callers from abroad are becoming a bona fide nuisance. I really worry for anyone who's gullible enough to fall for their spiel. Sometimes, it sounds very official and urgent.

Chris Bates

Wed 9 Feb 2011, 09:14

If the calls are eminating from abroad, they are not covered by the TPS

Simon Walker

Tue 8 Feb 2011, 13:44

Just to let folk know, a company referring to itself as Direct Response is now cold-calling, offering what seem to be similar sorts of 'deals'. We have had two such calls in the past ten days or so, most recently today. Number withheld on 1471. A quick google suggests that the company does not have a wonderful reputation, and has been featured on the BBC's Watchdog programme in the past. Mention of TPS registration does not seem to ring any bells with them. May be another scam, may be not, but beware in any case.

Grahame Ockleston

Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:14

I was beginning to feel left out !

Thursday 13.53 phone rings and lo and behold, very polite northern lad suggests that I 'Google' 'National Crime Research', what a mistake on his part.

Presently eagerly awaiting a call from a 'security adviser'.

Andrew Greenfield

Wed 9 Jun 2010, 23:16

I have now had two calls of this type in the last few days. I have both times said that I am registered with the TPS, and immediately the phone goes dead, but it is still very annoying.

Why oh why does anyone ever buy anything from a cold-caller, whether on the phone or at the door? If everyone was rude to them, like me, these people would simply stop.

Helen Holwill

Wed 9 Jun 2010, 10:25

Also, I'm not sure if this is relevant, but she knew the name of the previous resident of the property, and addressed me as that.

Helen Holwill

Wed 9 Jun 2010, 10:22

I've just had a call from a well spoken woman calling from 'St John's security' (I think). They are obviously changing the name regularly. She said they were in the area assessing homes for security levels to protect against burglaries. I stopped her at that point, and then, by chance, saw this on the website.

Valou Pakenham-Walsh

Wed 9 Jun 2010, 09:38

Christine, in answer to your specific query about the messaging service, these are messages sent by Thames Valley Police by email or by phone to warn people of such scams, to offer advice on crime-related issues, or to call for witnesses following specific incidents. This service will be discussed at the Neighbourhood Watch public meeting on 22 June, 7.30pm, at the Corner House. You may want to take this opportunity to put your very valid point(s) across to the Police Communications Officer who will (hopefully) be present.

Simon Walker

Wed 9 Jun 2010, 09:27

Unfortunately, TPS can only act if the call is sourced within the UK. Most of the cold calls that we get - "We are from Windows, and we know that your computer is running slow" - that sort of thing - come from call centres in India, with no way that the TPS can follow up. BT has a nuisance calls bureau that is trying to compile a database of this sort of thing, but even they are powerless when calls come from other countries or through computer (VOIP) systems.

To register a complaint with TPS, you need specific contact details for the company that is doing the cold calling or making nuisance calls. All too often, the caller won't give out this information, and 1471 draws a blank as well (number withheld), so in reality, there's not that much that the TPS can do without some hard facts to work on.

The messaging service that Valou mentioned relates to the Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Maybe it's changed, but when I was the local NW coordinator for our street in Oxford, messages came though to me, then I had to pass that information on to other people in the scheme. Hopefully, the system has become more accessible now.

Chris Bates

Wed 9 Jun 2010, 08:58

Has anyone yet complained to the TPS that this company are violating uts terms? If not, why not?....TPS can act....

Christine Battersby

Wed 9 Jun 2010, 08:51

Graham, I am in fact on TPS. This was to inform other people of this scam which has cost other people £1000s, and also because they claim not to be selling but simply doing a National Crime Survey.

A well-spoken female voice asks if you are a member of Neighbourhood Watch & if you have already have a Security Alarm. They imply, but did not say explicitly, that they are linked to the police. They state that four £1 alarms have been donated to the local community to help prevent crime & that they will be fitted in this area.

Only after this stage do you get phoned back by another firm (SAS) offering you an security system (which also covers accidents, falls, fires etc) for £1. This is why it appeals to elderly or vulnerable people living on their own.

This man was not so well-spoken and tried bullying tactics in order to make me agree to an appointment for somebody to come and assess my property. It's a well-rehearsed routine. And they standardly phone people who are TPS registered.

And, no, in answer to Valou's advice, I hadn't myself phoned the police. And this is because I can see online that people across West Oxfordshire have very recently passed the information on to Thames Valley Police.

I don't know what the messaging service Valou refers to is, but the message doesn't seem to be getting through. It would, in fact, be good if Thames valley Police could post more news items to local websites alerting people to this kind of thing.

Grahame Ockleston

Wed 9 Jun 2010, 07:12

Or go on the 'Preference Register' with BT or your telecom provider and there will be no more cold calls.

Valou Pakenham-Walsh

Tue 8 Jun 2010, 16:21

Christine, if you have not done so yet, I would encourage you to let the police know about this scam on 0845 8 505 505. They can then warn people more widely through the Thames Valley Police Community Messaging service, which is part of the Neighbourhood Watch scheme. I would like to take this opportunity to inform/remind everyone that the Police will be holding a public meeting on 22 June, at the Corner House, about Neighbourhood Watch.

Christine Battersby

Tue 8 Jun 2010, 14:42

Today I received a cold call telephone call from a company, calling itself Crime Research UK, and then subsequently Safe and Secure (SAS), which purports simply to be doing a crime survey.

They offer a burglar alarm for £1. They then will then come out to 'assess' the property for safety, and will end up charging extremely high fees for them to monitor the device. They prey on the elderly in particular. There is a thread on this on for those who wish to know more.

They are now telephoning residents in Charlbury, saying that they are now installing these devices in the Charlbury area. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the young man photographing my house at the weekend. In any case, avoid!

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