Charlbury - our town (not a village!)

Simon J Harley
👍 19

Thu 7 Dec 2023, 08:47

Jeremy, I work at Little Monkeys and do partly agree with your comment, but would like to raise a couple of points.  

1. Did you know all of the car drivers?  Most of our local parents are very good and do walk to us to drop off and pick up.

2. A number of our parents live outside of Charlbury (Woodstock, Oxford, Rissington etc.).  They have no option but to drive to drop their children off with us.  They are all suffering the same parking issues as everyone else, and very often, have no option other than pull up on the double yellow lines.  Even the COOP carpark is regularly full, so it is not the case of them being lazy. 

The nursery has been there for approximately 25 years, and as far as I am aware, there has been an increase in parking spaces in that time (carpark at the Spendlove Centre and Community Centre).  The pubs have been there significantly longer. I feel it is wrong to blame any of the local businesses for the parking issues. Unfortunately, there are now more cars on the road, and unfortunately for little towns such as Charlbury, I don't think there is a solution.  

As Rachel has said, I think we all need to celebrate what businesses we have in the town, support them where we can, and enjoy life 😃

Rachel Brushfield
👍 14

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 19:14 (last edited on Wed 6 Dec 2023, 19:22)

I found Charlbury by chance. Is there such a thing as 'chance' or is it ‘Happenstance’?!

Living in West London at that time, I was ready for more peace and green.

I created a ‘wish list’, put pins in a map about where I knew people living in the UK.

This showed me that Oxfordshire was the right area. I had never visited it. Didn’t know anyone.

Time elapsed, and I hadn’t found the place. Frustratingly.

The only weekend available with a cottage at the time with 3 friends/ and my younger sister that we could co-ordinate diaries for was in Charlbury. A place I had never heard of.

The moment when the train came into Charlbury train station will stay with me forever.

I still remember walking up the hill into Charlbury to the rental property I had booked for a creative weekend.

A lovely weekend later, I returned to London and knew that I was moving here. This was home.

My parents thought I was very rash. Actually I had already thought about what I wanted. It just took time to find it.

We are very lucky to live here. Charlbury means different things to different people.

Charlbury is special. We are lucky. Don’t 'sweat the small stuff'. We are not in a war, we don't live in Ukraine or Israel. 

Appreciate that we are so lucky to be here. The energy that you put into posting about traffic problems/complaining could be better utilised. Make someone's day with your energy. 

How can you make a better difference with that time? 

Rachel Brushfield
👍 2

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 18:51

Agree Rod Evans. 

Rod Evans
👍 13

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 18:45 (last edited on Wed 6 Dec 2023, 18:45)

Why oh why does it always come down to b****y parking??!  Could we isolate that into a different thread - preferably in the Debate section so everyone can let off steam as they wish - and here celebrate the good things about Charlbury - not least Late Night shopping, wine tasting and much more on Friday evening!  Just had to get that in there...

Jeremy Baldock
👍 7

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 18:20

There were 5 cars parked on double yellow lines at the top of Church Street less than an hour ago. Not one was a “Chelsea Tractor”, everyone was a local person picking up children from Little Monkeys. These cars often block the bus route and hinder traffic. Maybe we locals should adhere to the Law before we chastise visitors.

Hannen Beith
👍 2

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 18:00 (last edited on Wed 6 Dec 2023, 18:28)

Well, we've done our bit.  We gave up our car, (in fact we used to have two), and now use public transport.  Oh, and I use my mobility scooter to get into Charlbury, but not further afield.

I do appreciate that there are some (e.g. commuters, parents of little ones) who have no choice but there are many who do.  Try it, it just needs a change in attitude, and the bus services around here are very good.  I've also been told that there is a train station...

I'm not surprised that there are fewer tourists/shoppers than other adjacent towns/villages.  Who's going to visit a town where they can't park?  The lack of parking has, and will, continue to strangle Charlbury, no matter how lovely it is.

Illegal parking - a great link, thanks Liz.  If we all used it, (instead of moaning on the Forum) it might help!  Mind you, if you can afford a Chelsea tractor and its associated costs, I doubt that you would be bothered about paying a fine!

Rachel Brushfield
👍 2

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 17:20

How to increase parking spaces in central Charlbury - demolish the Cornerhouse building and build a multi storey car park. #joke

Angela Timms
👍 2

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 17:15

I think ‘encouraged’ is an impossible ask. We’re encouraged to fly less, eat less red meat etc. yet most don’t because they don’t want to do that.

Enforcement, permits, protection and reservation for those problem areas are the only things that will actually be beneficial.

Either that or a kind farmer might donate a field to become a park and ride location!

Christopher Tatton
👍 2

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 16:18 (last edited on Wed 6 Dec 2023, 16:29)

The same argument applies to five friends coming to stay at a local hotel or private house and from different parts of the country, so all parking spaces in Charlbury are precious and need protecting. Perhaps a greater use of public transport should also be encouraged. 

Liz Leffman
👍 4

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 16:00 (last edited on Wed 6 Dec 2023, 16:06)

I agree, Angela - it is frequently  impossible to find a space on Park St at the weekends, and spaces miraculously appear on Sunday evening. The proliferation of Air BnBs is a problem for many towns and villages nationwide, and it's not just about parking.

Angela Timms
👍 3

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 15:57 (last edited on Wed 6 Dec 2023, 17:16)

My bigger concern than the loss of a few parking bays is the number of cars a single Airbnb booking attracts. Five friends meeting for the weekend from different parts of the country means five cars needing space.

I say this while acknowledging I’ve done the same elsewhere, because why would I?

Hans Eriksson
👍 8

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 13:25

All I can say is that it is possible to have two somewhat competing thoughts in one's head. That is to say to be very positive about the great pubs we now have in Charlbury AND to be concerned about breaches of planning, which has an impact on nearby residents.

Christopher Tatton
👍 19

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 10:54 (last edited on Wed 6 Dec 2023, 11:57)

Well there you have it Hans, 6 or 7 cars parked on yellow lines in Church Street on Sunday as you observed, so those five parking spaces recently removed are actually greatly needed.

And yes there are loads of things to love about Charlbury and one of them is very…

Long post - click to read full text

Helen Holwill
👍 8

Wed 6 Dec 2023, 08:43

There's lots of things I love about Charlbury - as others have said, everyone is so friendly and community-minded, and for a small town we have such a lot of great facilities and events that have been created through often unpaid creativity, hard work and determination. One of my favourite things is this website itself, which I think is brilliantly put together and valiantly run by volunteers. Thank you!

Liz Leffman
👍 3

Tue 5 Dec 2023, 19:49 (last edited on Tue 5 Dec 2023, 19:49)

You can also report cars that are illegally parked:

Hans Eriksson
👍 3

Tue 5 Dec 2023, 18:11

The main benefit with Charlbury has been that it hasn't been overrun with tourists like Burford, Stow, Woodstock, Burton-on-the-bog, Broadway, Bibury and many others. I can see that changing now with the Bulls, Bells etc. 

Of course 5 parking spots at the Bull isn't going to change that, but I noticed 6 or 7 cars on double yellow lines on Church St on Sunday. There did not seem to be excess parking on other nearby roads. 

I don't have an opinion on the Bull Parking, but if you do you can easily comment on 23/03022/LBC. Only one person has done so to date. 

Angela Timms
👍 16

Tue 5 Dec 2023, 07:03 (last edited on Tue 5 Dec 2023, 08:52)

As somebody who fairly recently moved to the town, there’s so much to admire. The sense of community, the incredible pubs, the beauty without coach loads of tourists snapping every building they see, the lack of traffic vs a regular town, the variety of services we have for such a…

Long post - click to read full text

stephen cavell
👍 9

Tue 5 Dec 2023, 05:58

I for one enjoy the banter about Charlbury, Town or Village. However at this moment in my life I love Charlbury for being a Town with a village atmosphere. 

Rachael Gibbon
👍 18

Tue 5 Dec 2023, 00:03 (last edited on Tue 5 Dec 2023, 00:54)

Yes, Jemima, I think so, too!

But back on the topic of what we love about Charlbury.  I love the fact I can walk straight out of my door into gentle rolling countryside and drink in woody air. I love  the fact there is akways something to look forward to, at every time of year, and rhat marks the passing of the year. I love that nearly everyone here seems to care about making this a good place to live, and not just for themselves, and lots of people are willing to put the time and effort into it, too. And that practically everyone has a smile and a hello for each person they pass in the street., whether they know them or not.  These are just some of the things I love about Charlbury.

Jemima Haywood

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 22:23

That’s rather extreme lol

Rachael Gibbon
👍 1

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 22:08

Most of them "carry on" up Hixet Wood... And one day I'm convinced they'll drag me with them - dead or alive -  given their apparent lack of speed or safety awareness.

Father Clive Dytor
👍 17

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 20:48

I don’t want to sound like Private Fraser from Dad’s Army( we are all doomed…must be his inherited Presbyterianism)..but on Sunday night there were so many large motor vehicles parked right down Church street to the graveyard, that it was a serious hazard for cars coming around the corner from Park street. I have now taken to standing in the middle of the road if I hear the roar of a delinquent driver, trusting in the Almighty and also that not many want to run over the local Catholic priest, not in full view anyway. I also flag down speedsters who generally stare at me as if to question my sanity and probity but who just carry on up the Charlbury.

Christopher Tatton
👍 7

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 19:36

Actually Paul those 12 car parking spaces are very important in reducing all this parking on double yellow lines, on corners, in disabled parking spaces, stopping buses being be able to get through Charlbury. Perhaps some would prefer living in the Wild West where laws are disobeyed and they get away with it. Best of luck with some parking at the cricket club and walking up. 😂

Paul D Jenkins

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 19:20

Tim. Apologies I have edited my last paragraph 

Tim Gosling
👍 3

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 17:25 (last edited on Mon 4 Dec 2023, 17:27)

Paul Jenkins - "To answer the orginal question - there is much I don't like in Charlbury including the Bull, The Bell and of course the R & C!!"

Are you sure?

Paul D Jenkins
👍 3

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 17:21 (last edited on Mon 4 Dec 2023, 19:18)

Havng read the thread which started with huge positivity, there appears to be a bit of a blame culture and not many proactive solutions around car parking in the Town. I think the orginal questions was what do you love/like about out Town!!

Context for car parking : The Bull will not solve the towns car parking problems and to suggest that 5-8 addition spaces will improve the situation, ignores the fact that more people own cars than ever before, and we have areas where car parking (illegal or not) restricts access - Church Street crossroads, Dyers Hill etc. These bigger issues have been around for many years!! Attracting people to spend money in Charlbury is generally a good thing so we should welcome visitors. Therefore...

Suggestion. Key streets in Charlbury operate by a residents permit allowing greater accessibility for Charlbury based people. This is backed up by a stringent ticketing operation that would extend to the Spendlove centre being a 1 hour max stay. One without the other will not work. Key car park areas are created for visitors (such as in towns such as  Bourton on the Water, Woodstock etc) This could include pay locations such as the railway station (reduced prices in the evening and weekend) and possibly the cricket club and bowls club when there are no matches and would assist income of these clubs. I am sure there are more areas available in the Town, with a little thought.

It needs a holistic approach that only the TC/WODC can deliver, although they probably are quite busy already.

To answer the orginal question - there is much I like in Charlbury including the Bull, The Bell and of course the R & C!!

Christopher Tatton
👍 8

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 16:21

In fairness to the Bell, they have been very community spirited. They have provided, maintained and probably increased the number of spaces in their car park. 😁

Jemima Haywood
👍 12

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 15:46

God forbid people have joy in their lives! We should be supporting the expansion of local businesses as opposed to complaining about Charlbury’s ubiquitous parking issue. 

PJ Honey
👍 3

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 14:28

Well, it looks like there will be no car parking spaces at The Bull at all now. They appear to be putting a dancefloor/marquee structure over the car park this afternoon. 

Helen SanderWilliams
👍 4

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 14:09

I would also suggest that the Bell puts up some kind of sign to their car park. I often see people parking on Church Street who are going into the Bell. On Saturday afternoon 3 cars in the space of @20 mins did so, with overnight bags etc. Nothing against them - if you don’t know about the car park there is nothing to tell you where it is (although it is often those visitors with the biggest cars who park on Church Street rather than navigating the entrance to the car park). 

Philip Ambrose
👍 6

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 12:42

Tim Gosling, I agree that it's not about EXTRA parking spaces at The Bull, quite the reverse. It's about FEWER spaces! 

A previous planning consent reduced the spaces from 15 to 12 and now they want a further reduction to 7. The Bull is clearly much busier than previously and good on them for that, but is it reasonable to exacerbate Charlbury's parking problems by reducing their parking provision? I think not. 

Charlie M
👍 4

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 09:00

Liz there is plenty of free parking in Chippenham! But thanks for caring! 

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 08:57

Hope you managed to park somewhere in Chippenham, Charlie. Where I believe parking is not free like it is in West Oxfordshire.

Charlie M
👍 5

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 07:59

I am not trying to say that it is all at the feet of The Bull. But, given the lack of space in Charlbury for any new car park, and like many things in life, it will take many small actions to make one bigger result! Surely the wedding people could have used the station car park (for example), as could manu of those illegally parking in the town centre.

(And Miles, I am proud that Charlbury is a town, the charter granted by Henry the Umpteenth in twelve hundred and goodness-knows-what!) ;-) 

Tim Gosling
👍 3

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 07:30

I think that you need to look further afield than just blaming the bull for everything. There was traffic chaos on Saturday as well, but that was due to a wedding going on. An extra five spaces at the Bull is going to have minimal effect.

Charlie M
👍 9

Mon 4 Dec 2023, 06:08

I was on my way out of Charlbury on Sunday afternoon, (heading for Chippenham), and as I turned out of Browns Lane down Market Street I could see that parking on Church Street was up to the estate agent and outside the Rose & Crown the disabled space was all occupied. The double yellow lines in both cases were flagrantly ignored. 

Two things:

1) The planning application that seems to reduce the number of parking spaces in The Bull to SEVEN from TWELVE (originally FIFTEEN!) must be rejected out of hand. They need to be told to get rid of their tent structure and surrounding bits and pieces and restore the spaces! If people are going to eat there - GREAT! But they should not be clogging up our streets by illegally parking their Chelsea tractors! (It was entirely this type of vehicle that was illegally parked yesterday afternoon.)

2) I have heard that the planning people (some, at least) see the changes to The Bull car parking in a positive light. Earlier this weekend I witnessed people - again - ignoring the one way from Hixet Wood up Sheep Street. Incidentally I reached the centre just in time to see them emerge from Browns Lane ... and park on the double yellows on Church Street! Later the bus - again - could hardly get through because of this selfish parking.

Maybe we need a "Parking Warden at Large" who can patrol Charlbury centre in the evenings and issue tickets. Based on what I saw yesterday, such a position would most certainly be self-financing!

Rosemary Bennett
👍 3

Sun 3 Dec 2023, 11:08

Carbury, a small offshoot of the Bamford Estate! 😅

Miles Walkden
👍 21

Fri 1 Dec 2023, 08:35 (last edited on Fri 1 Dec 2023, 08:36)

I like that people call it a Village.

Great community, especially the Community Centre

It's a beautiful, active, social, place, perfect for kids and adults alike.

Rachel Brushfield
👍 4

Thu 30 Nov 2023, 20:40

What do you like/love about our town Charlbury? 

Just read Charlbury Chronicle. 

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