
Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 27 May 2010, 14:53

Perhaps the people who made some significant money out of selling them the drink could contribute to the cost of a new banner. Assuming it wasn't a private party, which I don't think it was. There are always drunks in the town centre around midnight.

Maureen Sparling

Thu 27 May 2010, 13:31

Sadly I have to report that our Artweeks publicity notices have been vandalised. At around 12.30 last night noisy drunken youths could be heard in the centre of town. One of our artists living nearby called out was just met with abuse. They tore down a banner and poster from Linsdell House and took away completely the huge banner on the railings outside the corner house. The Charlbury artists had all clubbed together to plan and pay for this advertising for their special week and this mindless vandalism is just sickening! The police will be informed of course.

Amanda Epps

Sat 15 May 2010, 12:35

Have only just read about the vandalism. My Lib Dem stakeboard was vandalise, probably on the same night as the window incident.

Chris Cunningham

Mon 3 May 2010, 12:19

Did you really, Brian? And do you think that David Cameron ripped my neighbour’s Conservative standard out of the ground and threw it across Park Street, also on Friday night?
Richard, I believe the word you are searching for is “opportunist”. Vandalism is never “random”. Indeed some might say that…

Long post - click to read full text


Sat 1 May 2010, 13:49

I think I saw Cameron out on his bike on Friday night if that helps?

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 30 Apr 2010, 23:52

Anna's car's aerial was torn off last month, and my car's windscreen wiper was torn off last week. So maybe we're looking for someone who dislikes progressive politics and Citroen Pluriels.

Or maybe, just maybe, it could be random vandalism.

Chris Cunningham

Fri 30 Apr 2010, 22:55

A window pane supporting a Labour party poster was smashed by a runaway vandal on Friday night. You may draw your own conclusions. Police informed, of course.

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