
Chris Cunningham

Mon 3 May 2010, 12:19

Did you really, Brian? And do you think that David Cameron ripped my neighbour’s Conservative standard out of the ground and threw it across Park Street, also on Friday night?
Richard, I believe the word you are searching for is “opportunist”. Vandalism is never “random”. Indeed some might say that, in this instance, the acts were selective, although I wouldn’t wish to pursue that. Attacks on aerials and wipers are silent, cowardly acts. Smashing a window in a street of families, some of them very young families, is quite different. In this case, if you will allow me the space to explain, very different.
To the young man and his pals responsible for the attack, if your attention is drawn to this, our community officer Wesley Smith is expecting your call. Here’s why you should make that call. I’ve confirmed with all sorts of folks, including people who have been involved (like myself) in inner-city elections, that this is the first instance of an attack on a window poster that they’ve heard of. But it’s happened now – in Charlbury. They are all horrified by what you’ve done.
What you have done is not simply to break a window and run. You’ve broken a big, unwritten taboo of our democracy. If it happens once, it happens again. And again, until you have a night of broken glass. Grown-ups will explain that to you. You need to know that a neighbour heard your intention to attack. We have voice recognition. Other neighbours heard you scampering off towards Church Street. You were probably seen and enquiries continue. You will be tracked down if you don’t own up first.
You may eventually have to listen to your head teacher or employer, if you have one, explain the reasons for the harsh action they have to take. It really is that serious. And with a brand new graduate lawyer and prospective barrister soon to return to my household I would be looking for advice on the case for civil action against your parents.
If you come clean and the repair bill is reimbursed, none of this need happen.
Our neighbour who lost his election standard is very active locally on behalf of charities. Members of my household organise the publicity on behalf of those excellent folk who run the Shed Theatre and Riverside Festival that put Charlbury on the map. You’ve upset them all. Get on the ‘phone.

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