What's the point of dog poo bags?

Rosemary Bennett
👍 1

Tue 10 Oct 2023, 20:04

They don’t give a **** obviously. 

Claire Wilding
👍 2

Tue 10 Oct 2023, 16:26

Just been to Ticknell Piece play park, there are two big dog poos inside the gate, one already stepped in by children. The dog poo bin is literally 3 paces away. What's wrong with some people? 

Claire Wilding
👍 2

Mon 9 Oct 2023, 21:23

No you cannot put dog poo down the toilet! Advice below from Anglian Water.

No types of animal faeces is allowed to be flushed down the toilet.

The sewer network is not suitable for this kind of waste because of the presence of Toxocara (also known as roundworm) in animal faeces, which is tolerant of the relatively high temperatures and harsh conditions found in the final digestate stage in processing the used water that comes through to the treatment works from sinks and toilets.

The Toxocara cysts live for a long time within soil, together with other parasites that are found in animals that have not been wormed.

Alex Flynn
👍 5

Mon 9 Oct 2023, 17:56

This thread - what a load of sh1t !

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 9 Oct 2023, 16:44

Dog (and Cat) Poo down the toilet to the Sewage Works: Somewhere at the back of my mind is something about Dog and Cat excreta being "too strong" - whatever that "strong" means - to be put into the sewage system.

Is this just an Urban Myth or is there truth in it? We've been put-off about flushing away our Dog waste because of this vaguely recalled idea.

Anyone qualified to say yea or nay?

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 9 Oct 2023, 16:39

We carry a "Dog Walk Bag" replete with bags, treats of varying degrees of bribery efficacy - and with a compartment to deposit the deposit until we find either a Waste Bin or bring it back to base. And we are also getting a mite annoyed. 

We're constantly picking up…

Long post - click to read full text

Christine Battersby

Mon 9 Oct 2023, 15:57

Thank you, Sandy. But where are the bins please? And is there a map?

I got the number 7 or 8 from the minutes of the Town Council, but obviously missed something in my google search.

Sandy Fairhurst
👍 3

Mon 9 Oct 2023, 15:31

Quick count in my head ( and am not sure about the Cornbury/ Woodstock end since dog and I rarely walk that way) and can think of about 18 bins. I think that’s pretty good and am very grateful for them. Nine Acres playing field could certainly do with a larger one to cater for the general waste which fills it quickly at weekends when its often overflowing with cans etc.

Christine Battersby
👍 2

Mon 9 Oct 2023, 15:06

"many of the black bins around town are now multipurpose and are for dog waste as well as general litter"

Well, that's good; but unfortunately I don't find these bins when out walking up the Ditchley Rd. Most have long-since disappeared, even though this seems to be a dog-walkers paradise. 

Is there a bin location map? Last time I looked it didn't exist. I know there was a request to move the bin from Ditchley Rd to Quarry Lane, for reasons of cost. Both routes are very popular with dog walkers, but they are different routes. I believe there are 7 (or is now 8?) bins in total in the whole of Charlbury, but that is not a lot! Not all of Ditchley Rd is in Charlbury, of course, but it would certainly help to have more bins in the part that is in our parish.

The bin at the Enstone Rd crossroads is the opposite side from the bus stop, and it's also quite hazardous crossing that road to access it. Personally I'd rather there were more bins, and most emptied fortnightly, rather than half the number emptied weekly.

Rosemary Bennett
👍 4

Mon 9 Oct 2023, 08:20 (last edited on Mon 9 Oct 2023, 08:22)

I think dog owners should not have ‘the right’ to take their dogs away from their own premises, to use our precious countryside, and our streets, as dumping grounds. It’s disgusting.

Take responsibility, get a dog litter box in your own place, and don’t bother to tell me that shitting in the woods is good for the woods. It very much is not.

One day this practise will be obsolete, and people will raise their eyebrows in horror at what you used to be allowed to do with the nauseous, disgusting and disease-ridden filth.

Rich Fleet
👍 1

Mon 9 Oct 2023, 07:58 (last edited on Mon 9 Oct 2023, 08:46)

"But, alas, we have been deprived of the dog-poo bins to put them in."

Hi Christine,

Note that many of the black bins around town are now multipurpose and are for dog waste as well as general litter - it's written on the side of the bin; I don't own a dog but often walk one with a friend and there's never been a problem finding a bin.

On another note, I have had owners tell me it's common, and acceptable practice, to leave the bags e.g. dangling in a tree, to collect on their way back...whether this second part happens is 'unclear' and in the meantime it's hardly pleasant for other people!

Wendy Bailey
👍 2

Sun 8 Oct 2023, 23:43

My apologies Christine, my comments were badly worded, I have altered my previous post. It was not directed at you, but in general. 

K Harper
👍 1

Sun 8 Oct 2023, 16:35

Olbas oil on a used tea bag - re cats . . ? Kris

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Sun 8 Oct 2023, 16:19

Wendy, just to clarify -- I don't have a dog. My comment was about taking home the bags left by other people walking their dogs. If there's a bin nearby, I would put the bag left in the hedge in the bin, but am unlikely to carry it far if I'm away from home.

Also, while we are discussing animal poo, any good ideas for repelling muntjac deer who seem to regard my lawn as an ideal site for leaving their droppings? Cats as well, but I am trying a sprinkling of cloves to repel the cats ... 

Wendy Bailey
👍 7

Sun 8 Oct 2023, 13:41 (last edited on Sun 8 Oct 2023, 23:39)

Why would anyone NOT carry dogs poo bags home. 

Why should someone else have to empty bins of dog poo bags. 

If someone owns a dog or just being a responsible dog walker, they should take the poo bag home and put it in their own bin. 

Graham Wisker

Sun 8 Oct 2023, 12:13

Obviously people don't know how to use them

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Sun 8 Oct 2023, 10:44

Dog poo bags are here to stay. But, alas, we have been deprived of the dog-poo bins to put them in.

I often see these bags hanging from bushes when out for a walk. I would pick them up if there was a nearby bin, but am unlikely to carry them all the way back home.

Graham Wisker
👍 1

Sun 8 Oct 2023, 09:26 (last edited on Sun 8 Oct 2023, 10:15)

I was walking my daughter's dog this morning along Woody Lane, and couldn't believe that a number of dog poo bags have been thrown into the hedges.  Perhaps they feel good by bagging it, and then think that the Dog Poo Fairy will pick it up and put it into a bin, or god forbid take it home with them.

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