What's the point of dog poo bags?

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 9 Oct 2023, 16:39

We carry a "Dog Walk Bag" replete with bags, treats of varying degrees of bribery efficacy - and with a compartment to deposit the deposit until we find either a Waste Bin or bring it back to base. And we are also getting a mite annoyed. 

We're constantly picking up the droppings of other owners' mutts - a couple of evenings ago, for example ,  there was a "deposit" slap bang on the gate entrance to the now opened Clarkes Bottom grazing field (as livestock are removed for the winter "un-nutritious" grass time of the winter) ... As I was saying it was literally by the gate and somehow missed putting my feet in it. There's a waste bin literal 7 feet away! So we picked it up. As we are always doing, so it seems, along Hundley Way and along the main "thoroughfare" of the top of the ridge in Clarkes Bottom. It feels like a good 30% of our plastic poo-bags are used in a public service.

Now, we don't get every poo... the dogs being wise to our deliberate removal and disruption of their "meaning for existence" by removing important "markers" of their social standing etc etc ... run off a hundred plus yards into the field where there is zero probability of finding the signal deposit. But its at least such deposit has been driven away from the broad swathe where people walk to and fro from one end of the field to another.

I keep on - think mentioned it twice - about the practice of registering Dogs and their owners, with the Dogs having their DNA genetic ID analysed and collected. Miscreants fouling in are therefore identified and sanctions levied. As I've said before Dogs and Cats (don't get me started on the 250 million birds "domestic" Cats kill per annum) should be licensed. And so forth, DNA et al.

Now when one of the Dogs hangs back sniffing - and scent marking and examination is of great psychological importance to Dogs and they should be allowed this, at least for a while - I'm sure they'll now and then take the chance for a crafty dump in a prominent place that we don't see happening . But as we are constantly picking up poos with our money-purchased poo bags we're surely balancing out the scales of other sneaky po-ers unspotted deposits?

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