Which Doctor's Surgery do you use and what is your opinion?

Hans Eriksson
👍 1

Fri 18 Aug 2023, 16:16

Does CMC have plans to implement the new digital phone system putting an end to the 8am engaged tone? https://www.gov.uk/government/news/all-gp-surgeries-in-england-to-have-digital-phonelines-by-march

Nikki Rycroft
👍 1

Fri 18 Aug 2023, 10:28

The Patient Group Committee of the CMC have been very encouraged to see the progress made in improving the appointment system over the past few months. 

Because of  inevitable clinical staff changes with moves and family commitments,  we understand that many patients are keen to know which medical staff are…

Long post - click to read full text

Michael Flanagan
👍 1

Mon 14 Aug 2023, 08:51

Neither surgery offers quite the range of ancillary services many of us would ideally like to see. Paradoxically, though, this probably makes Charlbury more convenient for things like x-rays or seeing visiting specialists for consultancy, since Charlbury patients have access to such services at both Chippy AND Witney.

And - what might be the clincher as you get older - Chippy surgery is really very inconvenient (and, if you start getting mobility problems, quite unpleasant) indeed to get to from Charlbury by public transport, whereas Witney's a short, level, walk from a bus stop you're likely to be using anyway for shopping. If your family ever finds it needs more cars than it's got at a moment of urgency, having a GP you can walk to suddenly becomes important.

And you don't always know how serious symptoms might be. I'm probably still here only because Charlbury surgery spotted the link between a couple of apparently minor nuisances on a day some idiot had smashed into, and immobilised, our only car parked out on the street. By the time I'd got the two separate buses across to Chippy surgery, we now know I could well have been dead.

Charlie M
👍 4

Sun 13 Aug 2023, 22:27

According to some associated web pages, Dr. Pippa Brookes-White is still on "sabbatical". 

CMC works pretty well ... but I wish we could have Pippa back! 

Emily Algar
👍 2

Sun 13 Aug 2023, 21:37

As you can see, everyone has their own experience. Pick one and if it doesn't suit you, you can always move to the other!

Hannen Beith

Sun 13 Aug 2023, 19:11

The CQC rate both practices as "good".  So take your choice! 

Sue Taylor

Sun 13 Aug 2023, 18:49 (last edited on Sun 13 Aug 2023, 21:08)

I have been with Chippy surgery all my life and although living in Charlbury for over 20 years have no intention of changing to CharlburyThe surgery in Chippy is outstanding as Harriet sa.ys and indeed my Husband has recently changed  referrals and everything also is great.receptionists and Doctors are excellent and the Health Centre itself has everything you need and is only 10 minutes away

Harriet Baldwin

Sun 13 Aug 2023, 18:20

We are at chippy and it is fine. No problems with seeing a Dr, getting referrals or anything. We did consider a couple of years ago moving my mother back to Charlbury for ease of access, but having heard stories of them failing to diagnose/refer cancers even in patients who'd had symptoms previously and knew what they were experiencing we decided against it. 

Hannen Beith
👍 2

Sun 13 Aug 2023, 17:58

I don't have any experience of the Chippy practice, but have always had great support and service from the staff, nurses, and Doctors, at CMC.

Alice Brander
👍 4

Sun 13 Aug 2023, 14:29

Use it or loose it.  Go local!  I’ve always had good support from CMC.

Claire Wilding
👍 3

Sun 13 Aug 2023, 11:45

The nurses and GPs at Charlbury are generally good, but the practice seems to struggle to get staff, being a rural area. So there is a mix of GPs and locums often working only two days a week. The locums are great, but if you want any sort of continuity in your care it is difficult.  You generally have to ring at 8 and take whoever is around. That said you can usually get an appointment so it's better than some other local areas.  The admin seems to have issues so you need to be on the ball about following up, as they forget to send referrals or don't ring you back.

Geoff Belcher
👍 3

Sun 13 Aug 2023, 11:36

No problems with Charlbury medical centre , they have certainly looked after me and still are, nurses very good , doctors all ok.

G Clarke

Sun 13 Aug 2023, 01:00

I used Charlbury Medical Centre for 10 years or more but wasn’t happy with some aspects and reluctantly (of course it makes sense not to drive when there’s a doctor in town) moved my registration to Chipping Norton Health Centre in 2017/18.
I don’t use it very much but have been perfectly happy with Chippy since then. It does have more in-house facilities and more doctors and nurses than Charlbury, which can be good or bad depending on what kind of practice you prefer - e.g. Charlbury is obviously smaller and more personal but can offer fewer services. My partner has been with the Chippy practice for decades, and has much more to do with them on a regular basis, and has no complaints. Their pharmacy is open 7 days a week and until 9 p.m. Monday to Saturday so is useful if you are working and want to collect things after normal hours.

Angus B
👍 10

Sat 12 Aug 2023, 22:54

I have no hesitation in recommending CMC. Having had several serious medical problems in the last couple of years I have found Dr McIntyre to be sympathetic, conscientious and professional. Yes, there have been problems with admin but I think that is endemic in the NHS  anywhere; nurses and all doctors  at CMC I have no quarrel with and access is easier than Chippy’s surgery

Christine Battersby
👍 2

Sat 12 Aug 2023, 18:51 (last edited on Sat 12 Aug 2023, 21:19)

The main choice is between Charlbury Medical Centre and Chipping Norton Health Centre on the outskirts of Chipping Norton. You can see what people think of their services by clicking on this article and the embedded map: https://www.witneygazette.co.uk/news/23714432.worst-gps-oxfordshire-according-nhs-survey/

Basically, either option is satisfactory. The main advantage of CMC is that it is in the town, and can be accessed easily and on foot. For those who live in Charlbury and use CMC prescriptions are usually dispensed by Averose Pharmacy in Market Street -- very helpful, and can deliver if necessary.

The main advantage of Chippy is that it is in a extraordinary new building, like a mini-hospital, with specialised services like opticians and ear clinics (both needing to be paid for), a pharmacy and also NHS physiotherapy services and some scanning services within the building. Parking is free and easily available. But one has to drive to get there, or go by taxi (not always very easy). Buses do run to Chipping Norton, but one needs 2 buses or a bus and a longish walk.

Emily Algar
👍 2

Sat 12 Aug 2023, 18:41

Hi Freddie, 

I used to use Chipping Norton Medical Centre - both in its current form and when it was the two separate surgeries. I left in 2019 as I found the practice had gone down hill and it was becoming extremely hard to actually see a doctor. I'm unsure if this has changed. I'm now with Charlbury Medical Centre, and for all its faults, you generally get to speak to a doctor and see a nurse. 

Freddie Marsh

Sat 12 Aug 2023, 15:23

As we are moving to Charlbury we will need to change Doctors, there seem to be a few that cover the area including the practice in the town. Which one do you use and if you feel you can comment is it a surgery that you would recommend?

Thank you.

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