What’s on

Thu 16 Jan: History of Garden Design

This event is in the past.

Memorial Hall, 7.30pm (or earlier if you want to renew/join)

For the Garden Society's first event of 2025, Melinda Hilliard, a distinguished horticulturalist is giving an illustrated talk, titled 'What Goes Around, Comes Around - a brief history of garden design from Ancient Egypt to Arts and Crafts'.

Melinda has tutored for 15 years at Capel Manor College, London, teaching Garden and Planting design. She has a RHS Certificate in Horticulture, a Diploma in Garden Design and a MA in Garden and Lanscape History.

Talk free to members, £3 for non-members.

This event will also be an opportunity for members to renew their subscription for 2025, and for new members to join us!

You can also join/renew online in advance of the talk, all the details can be found on our Membership page here: http://www.charlburygardensociety.org.uk/membership/

Geneviève Hug · Link

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