What’s on

Thu 27 Feb: Gardening for Nature Recovery

This event is in the past.

7.30-9.00 pm Memorial Hall

Following the Nature Recovery Tea Party on 11 Jan,  the Charlbury Garden Society and the Charlbury Wildlife Society invite you to join them for  'Gardening For Nature Recovery'.

Come and share your favourite wildlife gardening books;  hear and offer advice to a couple who are changing their garden to a wildlife friendly garden in Charlbury; how do ponds, planting and nesting boxes encourage birds and other wildlife ?; Make Friends With Molluscs ! ; update on Charlbury hedgehogs; include A4 photos of wildlife in your garden in our Charlbury Wildlife Gallery.

It's free and everyone is welcome.  A glass of wine will be available for a small donation for wildlife. 

A4 wildlife photos to Flora by Fri 14 Feb and for more information contact: charlburywildlifesociety@gmail.com

Flora Gregory · Link

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