What’s on

Sat 6 Apr 2024: Garden Society Spring Show 2024

This event is in the past.

This year we are organising the Spring Show again in conjunction with the Charlbury Art Society Spring Exhibition.

Memorial Hall - Brown's Lane - 11.30am to 4.30pm.

Shows are open to everyone!

The Charlbury Garden Society Spring Show is always a delight. The scent of daffodils and the sight of beautiful works of art from the Arts Society makes for an uplifting day.

This year we have tried to make it easier for you to exhibit your spring flowers. Exhibitors will not have to fill in entry forms in advance. Instead, the Show Team will be there to help you! Just bring a bunch of something down in a container between 9am and 10.30am on the day and we will help you place it!

We are also introducing The People's Choice this year. Members of the public will be invited to vote for their favourite exhibit – it may well be different from the judge’s choices! The winner will be awarded the Ian Tolputt Cup.

There will also be a Drawing Corner. Members of the Arts Society will be on hand to help young and old sketch a spring flower.

And we will kick start our Great Potato Challenge. We have purchased some potato sacks and seed potatoes and will be giving these away with full instructions to see how many potatoes can be grown in a single sack. We will have a weigh-in later in the year and a small edible prize will be awarded. This ‘competition’ is open to children and young people under 18 and we think it is a great way to encourage them to get growing. Parental help is entirely acceptable!

Do please come and support us – we hope it will be a wonderful day, topped up with homemade cakes, teas and coffees and a raffle!

Show schedules showing exact timings and exhibition rules can be downloaded and printed off if necessary by clicking the link below.

Or go to the Charlbury Garden Society website:


Geneviève Hug · Link

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