What’s on

Thu 3 Dec 2020: Charlbury Society Zoom Meeting 7.40 for 8.00 pm

This event is in the past.

Researching the history of Charlbury’s Buildings

Barbara Allison

This month's talk should be particularlyinteresting for us all in Charlbury.  

Charlbury is a medieval town with many old buildings. But it also has a lot of 19th and 20th century developments –in alleyways off, and streets in, the old town, in new housing on the roads away from the centre, and new estates on the outskirts. This talk looks at the mainly documentary sources for researching the history of houses and other buildings, both old and new –who owned them, how old are they etc, and if time, will look at three particular case studies.

Barbara has carried out extensive research of  Charlbury’s history . She  joined the museum committee in the mid 1990s, and lately became joint co-coordinator of the Historical Research Group with Geoffrey Castle.

This Zoom meeting is for Society members only who will receive a link shortly before the meeting.  If you would like to join please contact sec.charlsoc@gmail.com

Tony H Merry · Link

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