Sun 12 May 2019: Tea Concert: Flute and Harpsichord Recital (revised date)
This event is in the past.
Rachel Beckett (flute and recorder) and Alastair Ross (harpsichord)
The last of this season's ever popular CRAG concerts will feature a recital by the baroque flute and recorder player Rachel Beckett, accompanied by the harpsichord player Alastair Ross. The latter makes his third appearance at the CRAG tea concerts.
Rachel Beckett is principal flute and recorder with Sir John Eliot Gardiner's English Baroque Soloists, principal recorder with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and regular guest principal with other period orchestras such as the Academy of Ancient Music.
She is a frequent soloist on the legendary English Baroque Soloists Bach Cantata Pilgrimage recordings, made during Bach's anniversary year. More recent recordings include Monteverdi's opera Il Ritorno d'Ulisse, Bach's B Minor Mass, St Matthew Passion, and Cantata 151 Süßer Trost.
The programme will include:
Sonata in F major op 1 no 4 for recorder and continuo - Handel
Sonata in a minor for solo flute Wq 132 - CPE Bach
Sonata in C major op 1 no 3 for recorder and continuo - Handel
Sonata in b minor BWV for flute and obbligato harpsichord - JS Bach
'...[Rachel Beckett's] solo which she played almost senza vibrato, was purest joy. She played her melodies with the most wonderful intimacy and calmness.' Hamburger Abendblatt
In the Memorial Hall at 3pm, followed by free tea and cake. Doors open at 2.30 and seating will be strictly first come, first seated.
Tickets £12 from Cotswold Frames or Larcum's nearer the date, or reserve by emailing
Photo of Rachel Beckett: Michael Niesemann