Attendance at Hofman appeal 10am 5th May 2011

Cally Robson

Tue 3 May 2011, 17:07

Mark Hofman's appeal hearing against the Cornbury Park license is due to be held 10am Thurs 5th May at Banbury Magistrates Court, Warwick Road, Banbury, OX16 2AW. Map: click here.

I would urge anyone in support of the future of Charlbury events to attend the appeal hearing in person.

This is why:

  • As a lawyer, Mr Hofman (in his 19-page statement already submitted to the Court) is arguing a detailed case around a technical point in the interpretation of the licensing laws, ie that in granting the license the West Oxfordshire District Council were wrong to allow the Safety Advisory Group to regulate each event at Cornbury Park, rather than writing precise conditions into the license itself.
  • It could be that the Magistrate (not usually a lawyer) bows to this legal technical challenge, despite it being common for councils to give control to experts in this way. He/she could rule that the appeal has substance on this point which only a higher court could decide upon. The case would be escalated. Certainly incurring greater costs to the tax payer and with far-reaching consequences for local events.
  • Mr Hofman is also appealing for more stringent and specific noise limits to be included in the license which, if granted, would set a precedent for all Charlbury events, making it impossible to play music at them.
  • Although around 100 letters of support have now been handed to Jean Adams, who is speaking in support of the license, and nearly 700 people have signed the petition supporting local events, it is possible that the Magistrate will discount these as they do not address the technical point of law in question.
  • In other words, Mr Hofman's interest in the legal review of a finer point in the licensing laws could, as a side product, bring down local outdoor music events too (which is possibly his exact plan).
  • Therefore, I think only a physical show of support can be guaranteed to impress upon the Magistrate that the local population is content with the WODC's decision to allow the Safety Advisory Group - made up of environmental health experts, police, fire safety etc, and local representatives like the Town Council - to carry out specific regulation of each event at Cornbury, and that we value ALL the events in Charlbury to the extent that we wish this appeal to be turned down.

Best to all, Cally

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