Concerned about threat to Charlbury events

Robert Bartlett

Sat 9 Apr 2011, 17:49

Judging by the ever increasing petition response it seems a safe bet that vast majority of Charlbury residents both young and old are either [a]for a Wilderness Festival and other longstanding musical events as currently monitored and controlled by regulatory authorities] or [b] at least are not opposed to them. Historically, all Charlbury events to date appear to have been successfully administered within existing regulatory arrangements whose underlying intention is to promote them not suppress them as indicated in extracts below from the Government report that can be seen at:

House of Commons Session 2008-09 Culture, Media and Sport Committee - Sixth Report - The Licensing Act 2003 - Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 30 April 2009

5 Live music and entertainment
The impact of the Licensing Act on live music

Extract 1
84. At the time of the passing of the Act the Government expressed the hope that it would encourage "the further development within communities of our rich culture of live music, dancing and theatre, both in rural areas and in our towns and cities?.

Extract 2
99. There will of course sometimes be genuine objections from the public about noise or crowds around live music events, and it is important that the public have the opportunity to contribute to the decision making process ..... through their own representations with regards to a premises licence.......But while every person has the right to enjoy a peaceful private life, we see no reason why the promotion of culture in general and music in particular should be presumed to interfere with this. Music is in itself a positive thing, which many people enjoy, and which should not automatically be treated as a disruptive activity which will inevitably lead to nuisance and disorder.

Extract 3
31. Another concern is that the public are not encouraged to support licensing applications, only to object to them.

Extract 4
Conclusions and Recommendations

19 - Licensing authorities should resist pressure from "interested parties" to impose unreasonable conditions on events.

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