Charlbury Library closure

Nick Johnson

Fri 14 Jan 2011, 11:00

I've now received answers to my questions (see earlier post) from Neil Owen and Judith Heathcoat who is the Councillor responsible for Libraries. I reproduce them below.
1. On what basis was Charlbury selected for withdrawal of funding whilst your own local library in Shipton U Wychwood was not?

(NG)I do not represent Shipton-under-Wychwood or Milton-under-Wychwood. The library you refer to is in Milton.
(JH)The criteria used for closure of a library takes into account centres of population and an even spread across the county. A further explanation will be sent to you by the Cabinet Member for Libraries. I am seeking a copy of the criteria myself so that when the public meeting is convened I shall be in full possession of the facts and can question its validity with a view to opposing the decision.

The proposals and they are proposals at this stage as there is to be consultation period were taken on library provision and it was focussed on centres of population and the need for an even spread across the whole county geographically. There are in some areas two libraries very close together and some sparsely placed. The library provision has taken into account and reflects the regular shopping and travel patterns from local communities. Library provision reflect patterns of current use. Access to library services (via mobiles, community initiatives etc) and is also targeted in areas of socio-economic need. The physical library network is to be supported and compliment by virtual provision which will include e-books and e-audio. We have to ensure that the core library offer continues to include both universal and targeted services. The 23 libraries proposed for retained funding handle 82% of current visits to all static libraries and 79.5% of all issues from static libraries - this is based on 2009-10 performance.

Charlbury visits in 2009-10 = 13,1350, Issues = 23,856, no. of hrs open =18, Annual hrs. = 936, issues per hr = 25, visits per hr open = 14.

Shipton-u-Wychwood visits in 2009-10 = 20,000, Issues = 44,575, no. of hrs open = 20, Annual hrs. = 1,040, issues per hr = 43, visits per hr open = 19

2. What representations have you as our elected representative made against the withdrawal of funding?

(NG)I have, and am continuing to protest against the closure of Charlbury Library and will fight with the community to keep it open.

(JH)We have, within our political group had open and frank discussion.

3. Does the "clear vision" of Mr Mitchell, the Conservative leader of the Council for the future of Oxfordshire libraries extend to the relationship between the reduced funded core of the library network and libraries staffed by volunteers? Will books circulate between the voluntary libraries and the funded libraries?

(NG)I am seeking from the County Librarian and Cabinet Member detailed answers to this question

(JH) The library that your community might wish to take forward will be one that is fit for your purpose and designed to fulfil the needs of the Charlbury community. Some libraries will have integrated access to the management systems, some will choose not to. We will be supporting volunteers initially, as training will be required but this would need to be outlined within Charlbury's business plan. The circulation of books between voluntary and the funded libraries is currently being discussed.

4. Will the County lay down a standard for the management of voluntary libraries and assist in the training of staff?

(NG)As above

(JH)See above

5. If Charlbury library manages to survive as a voluntary library will you commit to campaigning for its readmission to the County library network after the immediate funding crisis is over?

(NG)I promise you that I will commit myself to fighting for the future of Charlbury Library regardless of whether the funding crisis subsides or evaporates.

(JH)I will leave this questions for Cllr Owen to answer direct to you.

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