Cornbury Park Licence Application

Cally Robson

Sun 9 Jan 2011, 15:19

I'm glad to report that the meeting yesterday (to which locals were invited to put questions to Lady Rotherwick) seemed to be a great success.

I'm not at liberty to share names of attendees at that meeting, but there were 13 plus Lady R and me. The 13 included both objectors and supporters.

Attendees shared their opinions and motivations, which was constructive, I thought, though it's not my place to repeat them here.

But I can share pieces of info that came out that might be of interest to others:

  • The amended application going before the licensing panel now covers 3 instead of 4 large events, but the Rotherwicks' included statement specifies that just 2 events would also be fine. The only events booked into the Park for the coming year are the Festival and the Rally. It proves very difficult for Estates like Cornbury to get event bookings at all. The estate has agreed to host the Wychwood Forest Fair, again after a 3 year gap, should organisers want it, again with no charge.
  • The contract with new festival organisers, the Mama Group, includes very strict parameters to ensure that any event held at Cornbury is of a wholesome nature. They've no intention of allowing a rave or any rowdy events.
  • The contract with the Mama Group also specifies that they must include the Preschool pig roast and Primary School tea tent as fundraising activities. Lady R said again that they feel strongly about supporting the local community in many ways, not just through support for fundraising.
  • If any kind of festival is to be held at Cornbury this year, there isn't enough time to reapply for a different license, because the Festival organisers need to start organising a summer event NOW.
  • The Rotherwicks, as licensees, would be required to be present throughout the Festival.
  • If the Estate were to be sold, the license would be terminated.
  • The conditions on the license would now be more rigorous than those applied to the previous Festival.
  • The Estate's involvement with noise management at the previous Festival, coupled with the new organisers' more extensive experience running events that are sensitive to neighbours, and new kinds of equipment that is able to better direct noise, should help to minimise disturbance to locals.
  • The Rally show website doesn't include reference to Charlbury accomodation (Bull and Bell) because it's already been booked up by the organisers themselves.

There was acknowledgement from the Estate that they have not managed communication with the local community at all well and a committment to do a better job in the future. After helpful suggestions from everyone, Lady R agreed the Estate would aim to:

1) Invite everyone locally to a meeting at least once a year so they can raise questions and concerns generally.

2) If the Festival goes ahead (by no means certain, even if the license is granted), Cornbury will invite the local community to a meeting with the new organisers to see how concerns can best be addressed.

3) To put out regular (monthly if possible) bulletins with information about happenings and plans at Cornbury.

4) To publish information to the local community through the Chronicle (quarterly), and other local publications in Finstock, Fawler, Leafield, Ramsden and others in the area.

5) To use the Charlbury website to publish news and updates more regularly. (& other local websites??)

6) To use local noticeboards to give information and updates, as many people don't access the web.

7) To send notices and background info to the Town Clerk where matters might be of concern to them.

8) To add updates to their own website at so people can go there to find the latest information.

I'd like to repeat that I've got no vested interest in the success of Cornbury's application (other than enjoying the benefits of the Festival and other events). But I've got involved because I believe there's a great opportunity for local communities and the Estate to work together to the benefit of all on this and into the future. For me, yesterday's meeting was really heartening because it shows this is entirely possible.

With best wishes to all, Cally

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