Speeding and driving (Debate)

Charlotte Penn

Sat 25 Dec 2010, 00:24

I shall continue to put my head above the parapet and continue to expose those who drive dangerously. I don’t give a tinkers cuss or damn – to those who find this irritating.

So back on Woodstock road, I spotted in my wing mirror, head lights getting nearer and nearer. This driver was obviously driving too fast. I took a deep breath and prayed for my safety, very happy in driving at a sensible speed, getting home in one piece (and car) ! Low and behold, this car got nearer and nearer. Luckily at this point, the road was straight. I once again put my hazard lights on, able to slow down, whilst indicating to the left. Basically, I was able to allow this reckless speeder, to overtake me. Not so easy on a bend or on a hill, to move out of the way of a speeder, or tailgater. This blue 4x4 (reg: H606 ….) driver whizzed past me, driving way over the speed limit of 50mph. So quick, I couldn’t get the last part of his reg. Within seconds he was disappeared in the distance.

Unbelievable! He/she could have killed someone or themselves. It takes a split second – to do so. Thank the lord I was able to get out of his way in time. Thank the lord, I’m home.

Why or why - are reckless drivers so impatient? There’s just no excuse or need. Its quiet simple: leave earlier; drive sensibly; don’t be in a rush and be considerate. At the end of the day, these dangerous drivers will only save minutes, by driving slower and save fuel.

Also, yesterday the wind was up and has blown drifts of snow into this road – on the most dangerous parts near Charlbury. This has made the road a single track – forcing drivers to drive in the middle of the road. Obviously, the council are unable to snow plough this priority 2 road: so farmers, you know your time will be paid for, please clear these snow drifts. Town councilors, this is your responsibility. As the other postings, for lord’s sake, get together and help your community. It will only take you seconds in a phone call, and minutes in clearing the snow drifts and peoples drive ways, etc, as other postings.

Alas, Preaching over. This is exhausting, when it’s so simple.

Happy Christmas - to those who are considerate drivers, and those who look after their community.

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