Cornbury Park Licence Application

Cally Robson

Wed 8 Dec 2010, 00:51

I felt it was necessary to get more information before I could fully weigh up the implications of objection to the Cornbury Parks premises licence application.

It might interest you to know that it IS possible for a premises license to be granted with restrictions and requirements, but those restrictions and requirements would be likely to affect all events held at the Park because of the extent of recent local objections.

This includes the charity and community events supported and given use of Park by Lord and Lady Rotherwick, some of which you may be aware of....

Charlbury 10K
Finstock School 10K
Finstock School Easter Egg hunt
Helen and Douglas House Santa Run
Breast Cancer Care 25 mile walk
Burford Rotary Club
BHS sponsored ride
ROSY fundraising and awareness (2 events)
Local primary school visits (picnics and talks)
Schools Education Day
SpecialEffect (Games for disabled) awareness and fundraising
Shakespeare in the Park (as a fundraiser for the RSC)
NSPCC 25 mile hike
British Heart Foundation 5 and 10 mile run

Those additional restrictions and requirements may well be so burdensome on the charity and community event organisers that they can't practically take place in the Park.

I feel saddened for us as a community, for three reasons:

1) For the sake of the possibility of a few notes wafting over the town more than once a year we have jeopardized the fundraising efforts and important causes of so many.

2) That we have been massively unappreciative of the efforts and good intentions of Lord and Lady Rotherwick, who DON'T happen to make a big deal of the work they do for many charities and local causes, and have stood back from entering the fray even as the previous festival organiser has put his own spin on the real happenings behind the demise of the Cornbury Festival and a gloss on the amounts owed to the likes of St Johns Ambulance, Friends of the Earth, Oxfam, a host of artists. service providers and Cornbury Park itself to the tune of £58K

3) That we could have asked reliable sources for more information and clarification to better understand the whole situation before we took actions that will be hard to reverse.

If it does work out that we have massively shot ourselves in the collective foot, I wonder what lessons we can learn from this.


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