Cycle parking in London

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 31 Mar 2009, 15:44

Might be of interest to some commuters hereabouts. Wouldn't be nice if a Conservative controlled authority near us had a similar interest in cycling??

From: Tom Bogdanowicz
Subject: LETTER FOR PUBLICATION: Cycle parking in London
Date: Friday, 27 March, 2009

Dear All,
Apologies for cross-posting. Please circulate widely

The London Assembly is conducting an investigation into cycle parking in London . LCC has already contributed to the investigation by providing expert information at meetings. The Assembly is now seeking to gather information through a survey about cycle parking in London . You can help by completing the survey at the URL in the letter from assembly member Joanne McCartney (below). We anticipate the release of the report in the summer.
Many thanks
Tom B

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find below a letter for publication:

Cycle parking in London – tell us your views online

Research shows that the availability of cycle parking and the security of parked bikes remain the two biggest cycling-related concerns: what do you think?

Are you a London cyclist who is frustrated by the lack of parking spaces for your bike? Or are you satisfied with the number of bike spaces that are available in the capital? Perhaps you’re concerned about how safe and secure parking your bike is?

I am conducting an investigation on behalf of the London Assembly Transport Committee to identify ways of increasing the provision of good quality cycle parking, and would like your views. We are looking at cycle parking at home, at work, and ‘out and about’.

Please complete our online survey at:

The survey closes on 24 April. Your views will be fed into our investigation and we plan to publish our findings in the summer.

More information available at:

Joanne McCartney AM
London Assembly Transport Committee
There is a press release about the investigation at

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