Local tactical voting advice (Debate)

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Wed 19 Jun, 20:59 (last edited on Thu 20 Jun, 02:08)

Yes, Lesley, I know you are right. But a lot of us oldies, especially from our years in London (though not native Londoners, small rural hometown unemployment repelled returning "home" - such as it was from poverty, poverty makes no homes, a forgotten aspect of the many dimensional depths of deprivation -repelled us from return from University. And in those days less than 2% of "my sort" got there, to a University at all, (not Polytechnic): especially not a "good" university.  But on finishing metropolitan bright lights beckoned so bright to us then. Many of us oldies who chose to engage and have memories from the struggles of Thatcherism therefore have personal history of some of our now "leaders and betters". 

And it's not good - especially for crusty and embittered Trot-Stompers who played decades of endless Space Invaders with wave upon wave of Leninist/Trotskyist poisonous entrists, of Migs and IS (the 80s variety) and Militant and RCP and and and and ... 57 varieties alphabet soups of bitter schisms and feuds ... with the endless drone of the Politics of Invocations'- if you invoke something fervently enough it will perforce come true. Onanistic delusionists and destructivists with the aim of piling on such Intolerable Misery from the collapse of the liberal state until the Scales of False Consciousness fall from their eyes .... the proletariate will, must, have to etc .... etc etc .... and etc etc ... Revolution Must/Will/Have To  Prevail. It will. It Will. Faith, Faith. My Brothers (sic) 

Yeah. History teaches us...: what, Joe - cf Holodimir; 9 million? - Tse Tung, Thousand Flowers, Sparrows, Great Leap ... on and more - 27 million ... 50m??? .. and the rest - Adolf of course .... and, and, and...

There are people in the Leadership" of fictional and biblical sinuosity. So I can't trust them. Know too much. Betrayed too much.

But where else can we go? Harold Wilson: "If you're going to be raped, you might as well lie back and enjoy it"  Hope the infamous quote, which I even heard in a foreign British Commonwealth Steeltown working class ticky-tacky suburb (Google Janis Joplin, hardly ever a truer song, Little Houses, Made of Ticky-Tacky, composed in the 60s), as was saying, I hope the saying's apocryphal. I wonder if the less than implicit misogyny is lost on many of the men (sic) in the lead office? So. No, don't even bother mentioning the X chromosome socio-econo-cultural-political analysis (it was wasted breath back then ... and now?). As such were the times back then and even then my pre-pubescent self winced and recall to this day reading it in The Hamilton Spectator... 

And of the people with power - 'The Sort" - that is running us in their LP machine now: I fervently hope my bruised perceptions from history are now wrong, and should be let slip to lie in the past; and that they, leaders,  will come good, in the end.

And yes. Lesley and Emily. You are correct. And my Postal Vote is ready, in case I can't make it down the road.

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