Hedgehog in Hanover Close

Hedge Fund
👍 4

Tue 4 Jun 2024, 22:38 (last edited on Tue 4 Jun 2024, 22:46)

Hi and thanks for asking the questions. There are several ways of contacting us. Hedgefund responds to messages here or via the message function (you may not see the responses as some are via direct message).. We receive HH via the network of vets, and other rescues so they come from far and wide (Morton/chippy/north Oxford/ wychford etc recently). We also have an instagram page we can be directly messaged on (Hedgefund23) and charlbury wildlife society links to us.  There are several reasons for this; it allows a degree of privacy, we are not set up for HHs to be dropped off without prior arrangement and can’t manage ad hoc calls or provide a 24 hrs service. We are only a small Hedgefund and many of our wonderful volunteers work or are at school in the day. We currently have 7 Duke of Edinburgh volunteers who do an amazing job helping us each week. 

We have a page here under community with contacts, signposting to help and advice. An injured HH that need immediate treatment can be taken to the vets and they will contact Hedgefund or another rescue if we aren’t able to take it. If you see a HH you think is sick, wobbly, weak, out in the day, too small, thin stuck in something or in a fix do try and pop it in a box (with blanket/water/dry cat food) and contact us. We can check it over, test it for various things and provide any treatment required. 

We provide regular updates here and on Instagram about the local situation. We haven’t had babies yet at Hedgefund this summer, but there are lots of HH sightings in town, with some even hanging out in pairs, HH love is in the air ❤️. We have our incubators on standby, our cute little woolly hats (thank you knitters) and bottles ready. Do keep an eye out over the coming weeks for babies, nests when gardening, HHs on the move and crossing roads They will love messy corners of gardens, piles of foliage under hedges, long grass, verges to move along safely, and will thank you for bowls of water and plates of dry cat food. Most will just be snuffling around doing their thing happily and enjoying our gardens whilst we sleep. 🦔 

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