Tue 23 Apr 2024, 09:38
Given the serious risk of increased, persistent and uncontrolled noise and nuisance to residents in surrounding areas of the town, notably but not exclusively the elderly occupants of The Playing Close/Cognatum - see the following: LICENSING ACT 2003 APPLICATION FOR A PREMISES LICENCE: Bull, Sheep Street, Charlbury, OX7 3RR I refer to the application for a premises licence for the above premises. The Council’s Licensing Panel will meet to consider the application:- on: Thursday 16th May 2024 @ 1pm. Proposed venue: Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 1NB In accordance with the legislation, you must notify the authority in writing at least five working days before the date of the hearing of the following:- · Whether or not you will be attending the hearing. · Whether you will be represented at the hearing and if so by whom. · Whether you request permission for other persons to appear before the hearing in support of your application. If so please provide the name of that person(s) and a brief description of the point or points on which that person(s) may be able to assist the authority in relation to the application or objection. This notification must be made by replying to this email. At the hearing you may:- a) attend the hearing and be represented or assisted by any person, whether or not that person is legally qualified; b) in response to any point under which the authority has given notice that it wants clarification, give further information in support of the application; c) give further information in support of the application if agreed by all parties present at the hearing; d) if given permission by the Licensing Panel you may question any other party to the hearing; and e) address the Licensing Panel. Please note that if you do not intend to be present or be represented at the hearing, or if either you or your representative fails to attend the hearing, the Licensing Panel may:- a) where it considers it to be necessary in the public interest, adjourn the hearing to a specified date, or b) hold the hearing and determine the application in your absence. If the authority holds the hearing in your absence, in determining the application it will consider the application and other relevant information provided at that hearing. Hearing and Representations The hearing is open to the public. Given this, all representations made will be listed in the public report including the name of the person who made the representation. If you do not wish for your details to be made public, please confirm by replying to this email by 5pm on Thursday 25th April 2024, to confirm you wish to withdraw your representation. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries regarding this matter. Kind regards Andrea Thomas Licensing Officer ( West Oxfordshire District Council (01993) 861000 ( Cotswold District Council (01285) 623000 ( Forest of Dean District Council (01594) 810000 * ers@publicagroup.uk