Paul D Jackson |
Mon 23 Oct 2023, 22:09 (last edited on Wed 25 Oct 2023, 18:35) A friend has found the Development Plan Some key points re Parking Charlbury has good transport links and a wide range of community facilities when compared to neighbouring parishes. These features add to the vibrancy of the community and are highly valued by local residents. They also enable Charlbury to play an important service role to the wider area which in turn helps to ensure the ongoing viability of the community facilities. However, this service role also brings challenges in areas that the town survey identified as key concerns for residents, including support for local business and management of traffic and transport issues including parking. The Plan seeks to address these matters through policies requiring or encouraging new developments to reinforce Charlbury’s service role, protect and enhance employment and services, support sustainable tourism and address traffic-related concerns. Policy ECT7: Parking New development proposals should make adequate provision for on-site parking by residents and visitors. Where development results in loss of existing parking, it should make provision for at least an equivalent number of parking spaces. Proposals for extensions and alterations of existing buildings should not result in a net reduction of parking spaces. Proposals for appropriate additional public parking in or near the town centre will be supported where they respect the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and do not have an unacceptable impact on the amenities of residential premises in the immediate location. Policy ECT7 has been developed to be consistent with Local Plan 2031 Policy T4,
The nature of Charlbury means there are few opportunities for providing additional