Back to the Subject of Safer Driving in Charlbury (Debate)

Igor Goldkind

Fri 21 Nov 2008, 09:12

Charlotte, I've had a few conversations with the highway police and the local police about the dangerous drivers in Charlbury. Unfortunately their resources are limited in that they have a large area to patrol and can't afford to dedicate personnel exclusively to policing the roads in and around Charlbury. But they are aware of the risks being posed by reckless residents.

The police are very keen to get a community based initiative going to encourage safe driving. They would like the town council to take the issue by the horns and pass local ordinances and further traffic calming resolutions.

Unfortunately, my efforts to encourage this kind of community based responsibility over the years has been met with derision, mockery and condescension from the self-proclaimed great and good of Charlbury.

I've never in my life in the six countries I've lived in (both town and country) ever before encountered this kind rejection of common sense.

I believe allot of it is down to an outbreak of motoring 'affluenza' where people who have spent far too much money on over consumptive, cumbersome vehicles get really riled when you suggest that they might want to curtail their excessive driving behaviours.

I see those type of drivers every day in Charlbury whilst heading to the station, who make wide turns into the middle of the road, taking up both lanes.

They feel entitled to bully cyclists and other drivers just because they drive a large over-consumptive 4 X 4.

It's that kind of reckless and endangering behavior that needs to be curtailed by the local community. Unfortunately, until Charlbury residents takes some responsibility for their resident drivers, the best we can do is report them to the police and pray that they miss our children.

I'm happy to join any community based movement to address this real and life threatening issue, but Charlotte, you'll need to face the resistance of motoring obsessives who think any attempt to restrict their 'freedom' to drive is on the level of a communist revolution.

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