Permit parking

Gareth Epps
👍 10

Mon 7 Aug 2023, 21:58 (last edited on Mon 7 Aug 2023, 22:19)

This post, caught in a thread on a different topic, does need airing properly as clearly some people without off-street parking see it as a solution to numerous problems.

There are reasons people should be careful what they wish for.

1. For years, Oxfordshire County Council under administrations of all hues has charged for all permits.  This is to cover the costs of the schemes, which are significant.  Charlbury residents would have justifiably complained over the years were this not the case.  There won’t be any exceptionalism; it won’t be free.

2.  How do you define the permit area?  In much of our town centre with its narrow streets that allow parking on part of one side of the road, there are simply fewer spaces on the road than vehicles of those with no off-street parking.  So there would be displacement, and people would lose out.  There are roughly 60-70 houses on Dyers Hill, Church Lane and Thames Street alone; how many parking spaces are there?  Not enough for people to be able to park outside their homes, that’s for sure.

3.  If you then set rules to disallow those with off street parking, or with multiple cars, from getting their permits, they too would complain.

4.  Whenever parking restrictions are imposed in an area, those on the edges will get people parking in their unrestricted areas seeking a free ride.  So set a boundary on Nine Acres Lane, Sheep Street, and somewhere up beyond the Bull (say).  What happens then?  Your on-street parking for the scout hut, Co-Op and elsewhere will go.

5.  Finally (for now), what do you need to enforce double yellow lines?  As those along Grammar School Hill this weekend will have seen, the answer is regular enforcement.  The law of unintended consequences will apply a number of other disruptions; these will be followed by complaints.

So be careful what you wish for.  Having spent time as a councillor in an area largely covered by an assortment of different zones, I can tell you there’s nothing people like to moan about more.  I’m not saying: don’t do it.  But make sure you do it with eyes open, if you do.

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