Graffiti (Debate)

Alan Colgan
👍 11

Mon 16 Jan 2023, 00:31

Last month, my wife and I walked down to St Mary’s to look at the beautiful Xmas trees lining the path to the church. So much thought, creativity and care from all of those responsible. Things like this help to define our town and make me proud to live here.

Then I saw the graffiti on the telephone exchange box by the entrance to the church. The bus stops in Enstone Road and Five Ways have also been spray painted.

In previous posts, some residents are calling this act “tagging”, like it warrants some kind of academic analysis. Where I come from, it’s called vandalism. When I returned home, I reported it to the council. I used the same link that Sherif urged everyone to use last week.

This vandalism will have taken place late at night. I think you will find that “the challenge for the artist” is actually not to get caught. So, it is likely that the person responsible lives in Charlbury. Do you know of anyone sad and twisted enough to vandalise the town they live in?

In a previous post, you will see that a Mr. Lanyon takes a different view. He sees this act of vandalism as “art”. Eleven other residents would appear to agree with him, although they have all chosen to remain anonymous. Given this, perhaps they would be willing, through this forum, to give out their home addresses and invite the person responsible to spray paint their property. Just think, you’d have an original. You could show it off to your friends. Any takers?

If you are interested, I’ve not heard back from the council. So, I’ve reported it again. If enough residents report this vandalism, maybe they’ll take it more seriously.

In his first post, Sherif says that this vandalism devalues the whole community. I don’t think the vandalism itself devalues the whole community. It certainly spoils what this website describes as a “picturesque Oxfordshire town.” What devalues the whole community is the fact that it is still there.

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