Male or Female 12-15 year olds wanted to appear in my book

Mrs. Dillon

Sat 4 Oct 2008, 20:07

Wow - that's a lot of assumptions! Let me answer the points made here in no particular order.

Firstly, Gerry - for some reason you have only quoted part of my response to you, conveniently leaving out mention of my CBR certificate and the names of the people both at Chipping Norton Theatre and the fully licensed chaperone who has accompanied both myself (producer) and my photographer on the previous two commissioned shoots - but then that would not allow you to continue to ride on your high horse.

Christine - Dillon is my married name. Unfortunately my maiden name, Paz, will not appear on the Pearson website as I am a freelance photographic director, not a book author. I will pass your comments as to my new surname to my husband, who also works in education - he will be very interested in that link. Also, Chipping Norton police are already aware of these postings, as I have already informed them of the responses from certain reactionary members of the community.

Duncan, I appreciate your comments around model releases - yes, all models used in previous shoots have provided model releases signed by their parents as, as you are no doubt aware, a minor cannot sign a model release. I agree with your point regarding knowing the height of the models - however, this is a requirement given to me by Pearson to aid the final selection, as not all of the children who are part of the casting process are used, and it helps to know the relative heights of the children when performing the final selection process and shoot list. I hope that makes sense.

I have already provided all contact details for ANY member of the public to contact me should they be concerned. I have answered all points swiftly and fairly, but this still seems like it is turning into a witch hunt - so in hindsight, thank you Richard for removing my details.

I still feel that forums such as this are a great way of contacting the community, which is why I chose to include it in the casting process this time around (I will be casting locals alongside professional models) - however lessons have been learnt from this experience, whether naivety on my part or ignorance on the part of others have made this a thoroughly unpleasant experience.

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