Wilderness 2022 / 2023

Paul Glossop
👍 17

Thu 25 Aug 2022, 16:21 (last edited on Thu 25 Aug 2022, 16:23)


2021 was my first Wilderness. We had five weeks to produce the show due to the global pandemic, and I felt the most efficient way for my new team to achieve this was to adopt plans from the preceding decade.

We opened the show cascading with rain, the wind blustered fiercely, and suppliers were failing to deliver. We learnt a lot, so in hindsight, it was genuinely fantastic.

With great thanks to the Charlbury resident's feedback covering noise, traffic and disturbance issues and our customers reviewing the facilities, programming and safety measures, I decided to start 2022 from scratch.

We cannot control the elements, but we can undoubtedly make provision for them, and after a busy winter of completely rethinking, we changed just about everything. With the reduction of noise and traffic being our number one Resident priority, we relocated all stages and sound systems, strengthened roads and drainage systems, developed new accreditation and production compounds, implemented a one-way traffic system, and banned disruptive fireworks. Whilst we plan to further optimise in 2023, I hope you experienced the benefit of our efforts this year.

Our traffic and pedestrian management plan for 2023 will include further measures that prevent our customers from walking along the main roads, better guiding them to use the shuttle buses, and keeping the noise down when visiting your beautiful town.

Your feedback helps me and the team improve the Wilderness experience for everyone. We are always grateful for being told what we often miss when enclosed within the park, and we'd love to hear from you to help shape our 2023 show and beyond. If you have some time, please do complete our feedback form HERE

I'm very proud of my second Wilderness and am looking forward to returning with the team in 2023.

I appreciate your support,


Paul Glossop, Event Director, Wilderness.


P.S. we plan to make obtaining residents tickets even easier next year. More info to follow in early February.

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