Rod Evans |
Wed 19 Jan 2022, 10:52 Here’s an idea for when Covid restrictions are eased again…. We know from the Town Survey conducted a few years ago – not to mention the evidence of our own eyes – that there is a larger than average population of older people in Charlbury. And it’s not that we’re lacking in mental capacity, just that some of us were looking the other way when the world went digital. I mean, I still use valve amplifiers and even the sound desk I bought recently is analogue – but so much easier to follow the instructions! Whereas my latest car has a 400 page manual much of which I don’t understand – or can’t be bothered to wade through. I’m sure I’m not alone in this so let’s throw out a few questions – even I know the answers, if partially, to some but let’s not be afraid to show the depth of our ignorance here: I have a gold tooth – why do I need a blue one? My eyes get streaming when I’m chopping onions – but streaming music / radio etc? How do I tell the good from the bad? My suits are quite smart – how is a phone smart and why do I need one? I’ve got a dose of Apps – better get down the clinic! Where do they come from? Why are some free, others cost? Why do I need them? --.- .-. Work that one out! Why are they getting everywhere now? Everyone has bits of coin lying around. But bitcoin? Cryptocurrency?? I haven’t even started on computerspeak and the Interwebthingy yet – but can you put this in plain English: The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. Um – what problem?? So instead of struggling to look things up and read something equally incomprehensible, how about some kindly tech savvy person run a few public sessions to enlighten anyone interested about these and no doubt lots of other techie type issues?? With enough people making voluntary contributions it could prove quite lucrative! Perhaps cover particular topics each session, allowing people to put questions in advance? If this sounds of interest, let’s have a discussion on here, ideas for sessions, venue (we have options after all) etc etc – and calling for a volunteer to host it! |