The Cycle of History

Igor Goldkind

Fri 8 Aug 2008, 12:58

Apparently, the anti-cyclist hostility extends to FGW train staff as well: this morning myself and two other cyclists were attempting to load our bikes onto the rear bike carriage of the 8.33 am southbound train only to find the designated carriage nearly filled with cumbersome catering equipment leaving scant room for bikes. We managed our best as quickly as we could accustomed to the cramped space, minimal racks and thread-bare velcro ties that usually greets those of us who presume to combine both rail and two wheeled transport.

Upon arrival at Oxford station as we retrieved our bikes (again, as quickly as safely possible), a member of train staff stood impatiently at the door (presumably to insure no one made off with any velcro ties or other valuable train equipment). I mentioned in passing as politely as I could, that we would all be alot quicker both in and out of the bike carriage if not for having to navigate around the stored equipment.

It was phrased as a polite suggestion, an honest attempt to ameliorate a situation disadvantageous to all concerned: FGW train staff trying to meet the schedule, the other passengers hoping the schedule is met and of course those of us trying to get their bikes on and off the train as quickly as we could.

I know given my experience, I shouldn't have been surprised (but I honestly was), to hear the staff member reply that FGW shouldn't carry bicycles at all given that 'you cyclists always take your merry time loading up your bikes'.

As the other cyclist was too out of breath from having run to the carriage to reply, I enquired if this was the general position of FGW or just his personal opinion. I also reminded him of the numerous occasions he had witnessed me rushing to and from the bike carriage.

He then conceded that maybe I didn't, but 'you cyclists' were the main reason the trains ran late and besides, we all ran red lights all the time and thought we could go anywhere we wanted.

I resigned to the futility of trying engage in any fruitful discussion given the fervency of his judgement and the fact that we three cyclists were well off the train by then and in fact it was he who was delaying the departure of the train as he continued to berate 'you cyclists'.

I'm not complaining to FGW nor am I interested in targeting this particular individual, who's perspective was little removed from some I've read on this forum.

I write this because I am truely astounded at the fervency and scope of anti cyclist sentiment in this small corner of England. I believe it's unique; certainly in a nation where the mayor of it's capital cycles to city hall every day and its leader of the loyal opposition is so often photographed astride his own two wheels.

In a nation where literally tens of millions are being spent throughout the country on implementing transport strategies to encourage cycling, including extending cycle lanes, installing cycle racks and promoting the benefits of utility cycling in our work places and in our schools I am amazed that such a bizarre antagonism could take root here.

Bizarre and sad because even as a state as car-centric as California installs bike racks on all it's public buses and every TGV in France is required by law to accomodate anyone transporting their bike, this archaic resentment against cycling is definitely holding this part of the world behind.

But again, maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

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