Wed 17 Nov 2021, 21:48 (last edited on Wed 17 Nov 2021, 21:55)
Having cycled via the Churchyard, then I can't say I found it a hardship either and I'm far from a superfit lycra-clad rider with a carbon fibre bike.
As it is, to get some numbers into this, I put the two routes from the end of Thames Street to the Rose and Crown into my mapping software and via Market Street, it's 190 metres with 3.2 metres of total ascent. Going via the Churchyard, it's 470 metres with 10.5 metres of ascent. So a difference of 280 metres with 7.3 metres extra ascent.
Coming up from the station the differences are insignificant (as you'd expect).
Personally, If I had ridden a tandem with a 5 year old over whatever hills I'd had to drag us over to get to the bottom of Thames Street, then I think the trade-off between a 25 feet of extra climbing and about 2 minutes cycling is a good one compared to the possibility of meeting a Sainsbury's delivery van coming the other way on Market Street (other supermarket delivery services are available).