Kindle advice needed

Christine Battersby

Tue 12 Oct 2021, 17:01 (last edited on Tue 12 Oct 2021, 17:04)

Yes, Susie, thanks. I realise that, but nevertheless find it very limiting when I'm away from home. I've now just seen Colin's reply, and will try to work out the implications with regard to cost. (If data is not shared via Whispernet, costs are involved.) Thank you, Colin.

I have just now discovered that the 2G network will be closing down in the UK later than the 3G network: in 2025 for Vodaphone and EE, although these 2 companies are closing their 3G network in 2022. 

I have yet to work out how that affects kindle ebook readers, as amazon uses Whispernet which is a 3G wireless plan provided by the company, free of charge via the AT&T network. It doesn't rely on one's own WiFi provider, and has been free to use across the world wherever the AT&T network is available, but up to a limit of 50MB data per month. Details of how Whispernet works are here:

As I understand it, therefore, the closing of 3G by AT&T will have some impact on older kindle book readers here in the UK, whether or not 2G carries on existing. But I would be happy to be proved wrong. 

Some other countries, e.g. Spain, will be closing down their 3G services much later than us; and I'm again not sure what that means for accessing kindle data for free in those countries once the AT&T service closes down in February 2022.

The fact that 2G will remain in the UK is, however, important for a number of other devices, like smart meters and health monitors and also (presumably?) also non-4G smart phones.

As far as phones are concerned, here's AT&T's list of the phones that will still work on their network after February 2022: Annoyingly it does not include my 4G Samsung phone which is fairly new, and which I had not intended to upgrade for some years. 

Happy to receive thoughts by those who understand these things much better than I do.

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