
Deleted user

Thu 10 Jul 2008, 18:22

I am suprised my comments caused so much reaction.

My points are straight forward

1. I think there is a huge benefit to Charlbury in having an excellently organised concert associated with the town. I am also very proud of such events such as the Beer festival and Riverside. Such events do not need, in my opinion, to show a financial benefit to the community to be succesful but simply offer an event for some ofthe people of Charlbury to attend. I appreciate not everybody wants to attend but there were a vast number of people from Charlbury that I saw at the event. A good friend of mine played on stage and a lot of the younger generation had a throughly good time!

2. That said, on the financial issue it was fantastic that the CSA and Pre-school raised so much money and this is only possible by the event not charging them for their pitches! As for the preschool this has a massive benfit in keeping costs of admission down for the children of Charlbury and represents a significant part of their annual budget.

3. I totally understand if people do not wish to attend as that is totally their choice. It is a free country but I would wish the organisers to become disheartened by some of the comments on this website as I would like to encourage the organisers to put on the event again for the very many people that enjoyed the event.

4. Finally on noise, this is obviously where I differ from a number of people. I personally nor my three children were effected in anyway by the noise and we live in the centre of Charlbury. I heard it, but it seemed relatively low in comparison for a major concert in the area.

I am not an expert in the issue of noise and indeed the environmental health officer would be the ultimate judge. However, I at least accept there will be at least some disruption naturally associated with such an event but I think the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages on this topic.

In my opinion, if one of the disadvantages is noise, i am prepared to accept it! I appreciate others may not.

I hope I have put my comments a little more tactfully in this posting but the sentiment still remains the same in that i am a big supporter of such events in Charlbury especially as they give the residents of Charlbury a great offering of events on our doorstep

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