New glamping site by the Spelsbury Road (Debate)

Chris Holden
👍 22

Tue 24 Aug 2021, 10:56

Although the “temporary” glamping site set up by Graeme Widdows appears a great use of an unused woodland, it is in a very inconsiderate position only 25 metres from the front doors of Spelsbury Villas residents.

Graeme Widdows should have bothered to establish contact with the residents along Spelsbury Road and Spelsbury Villas because of the sites proximity, as a responsible member of the Charlbury community, rather than ignoring them. I am sure a more secluded and private position much further away within the woodland or at the top of the field at the furthest point from any neighbours and walkers would have been better.

This would have benefitted both residents and campers. The woodland is quite large and I am sure could offer a better position further away from Spelsbury Villas.

What was a very quiet peaceful woodland on the outskirts of Charlbury, is now host to upwards of 40+ campers and holidaymakers for the duration of summer, (potentially every summer) right outside the front door.

From Spelsbury Villas it’s quite possible to hear everything from the woodland, general conversation, music, group activities and now we have toilet/shower cubicle doors slamming shut, it is very close and disruptive and has changed our situation for the worse.

I am quite sure that very few residents would want a public glamping site literally opening right outside their front door, by someone else, with this being forced on them and would hope people consider this point of view if it were them, because this is what has happened.

At the moment, the site has been set up without planning permission, without any regard to how this impacts local residents, on a temporary 56 day camping clause. When this expires the site is required to be completely dismantled and all traces removed and the woodland returned back to it’s original state.

If this doesn’t happen then planning permission is needed, then I hope the reasonable concerns of very close residents might finally be considered by the owner and WODC.

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