Charlbury Railbus

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 29 Jun 2008, 02:18

Although fuel prices are being pushed up by speculation rather than peak oil at the moment (following subprime and all that debt created money govts have allowed the rich to print for themselves on computer schemes, traitors) the energy message is getting over and the costs beginning to bite in real terms. Only now has *real price* of petroleum fuel over-reached that of the 70s oil shock - few of us probably are old enough to remember. However, Peak Oil is coming. So this is just a sampling nibble.

The argument that must be made is to ignore the issue of the *current* useage and actually do a bit of something rather foreign.

I know this is a difficult word and concept for the English middle class, but we do have a word in the language called "planning", and combined with the word "transport" and "integrated" it makes a very useful intellectual framework to put very pragmatic solutions into place.

There are places really not very far from here called Holland, Denmark, Germany, just for example, where the local equivalent of these 3 magic incantatory words have been put together with really quite wondrous results meaning that motor cars are rendered pointless for many things, such as a daily tidal flow of human movement called "the rush hour".

Now is not the time to be cutting, therefore, elements of what can be integrated into the practical application of these magical words "integrated" "transport" "planning" with huge impacts upon things like our children and grandchildren having to kill strangers messily with sharpened sticks in 60-100 years time.

I suggest a full expenses paid visit to these magical lands called Denmark, Holland and Germany could really be taxpayers money well spent.

Yours, Malcolm
(with only 38 or so years experience of of local government politics and planning, at senior levels, so what presumption to make comment upon decisions that might affect local facilities and economies do I have? So I apologise for my not knowing my proper place in the social hierarchy of social credentials amongst the English middle classes and their acolytes)

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