Charlbury could move into Banbury Constituency

Michael Flanagan
👍 2

Tue 8 Jun 2021, 17:52

This Electoral Commission proposal has nothing to do with local government boundaries. 

From the creation of the Witney Westminster seat in the mid-80s, Witney (the constituency) has been almost unique among English constituencies in having exactly the same boundaries as its matching local authority (West Oxfordshire). If this particular proposal goes through, it's almost certain Charlbury would remain in West Oxfordshire for local authority purposes.

With both Charlbury and Chippy moving into Banbury, I wouldn't guarantee Banbury's MP is guaranteed to stay Tory though. But with Woodstock moving to Bicester as well, a lot of recently effective "progressive" campaigning skills will leave the Witney constituency, making it safer for Robert Courts.

True: this would mean that Courts wouldn't be representing Charlbury-shire in terms of pressing for decent infrastructure. But could anyone tell? And with the County now led by a Charlbury councillor, aren't we likely to be getting more public advocacy for joined-up public transport anyway? More: whatever we may think of Victoria Prentis's policies. she's a far better communicator and campaigner than Courts - and by the 2024 election, the new County Cabinet will have developed the remarkable skills among some Oxfordshire LibDem, Labour (and Green) councillors to really challenge Ms Prentis.

Christine does have a point, though, in hinting that the decline in public transport over the past few decades is an argument for our staying in the Witney constituency - because I doubt anyone's going to create a direct bus route to Banbury. Isn't the Town Council the right group to organise the Town's reaction?

Because, while I worry about not having public transport to our notional Westminster seat, I worry more about another decade or two of the mediocracy* we've seen since October 2016. This may be our chance to get the MP we deserve.   

*There is such a word. And it means what you'd expect.

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