Victorian crosspattern paving bricks- Council should buy?

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 2

Sun 30 May 2021, 03:50

Reference to the Adverts page on Charlbury Info Website.

There are a number of Victorian blue clay cross pattern paving bricks for sale.

These appear to match those of Church Road (and Browns Lane up from The Corner House towards Enstone Road?). Already there are a number of the Victorian paving bricks missing from each pavement run and the gaps patched with random non-matching materials. So:

All local politics is Pavement, was the war-cry of the pre-merger 70’s Liberal Party (or was it earlier?) and, my, Pavement Politics doesn’t get more surreally exact than this!

Is it the policy of the relevant Authority (would that be District, or is there any role of the local in this?) that repairs, within Conservation Zones, should be with material as close to the original as possible? Or is it just patch as catch can?

If matching is desired, and if replacements aren’t readily found in normal Council or Builders Yards, then acquiring matching paving such as advertised herein, might be a convenient opportunity that seldom arises. Otherwise the Authority would have to scratch around Reclamation Yards- and probably be charged  goodly sums for anything found, provided it can.

So perhaps someone with authority will consider this most utterly Pavement of all Pavement policies and, maybe, consider it not so ridiculously trivial, that “we” of the town body politic acquire a small stock of period matching materials to maintain the visual congruity of the Town’s appearance. Anyone interested? How and with what authority or expenditure could such as this be done?

Which reminds me. We found a brick or so in our garden on moving in… heavens! Sixteen years ago with baby and infant offspring… and I’ve been wondering who to hand them over to for years, without doing anything about it. 

Bet there are a lot more “heritage items” lurking under hedge and bush around Charlbury. Probably fill skips if everyone de-cluttered miscellaneous items found  around their properties…

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