Vigil for Sarah Everard (Debate)

donna james

Thu 8 Apr 2021, 16:46

Hi, I wonder if anyone could advise me or could give me some guidance on what to do next. My daughter who was 13 at the time of the attack this is now 2 ¼ years ago. There was a boy 2 years older in her school and he was spiting and calling her names in school one sunday afternoon when i was going to a local public house for lunch my daughter said she was going to go and meet this boy who said one of my daughters friends was with him and he wanted to say sorry for be horrible to her in school, i didn’t feel ok about her going just down the road not far from the pub and she said that her friend was with him, i went in and had my lunch and was talking to some friends of mine around 2 hours after she came running into the pub stinking like furniture polish and was screaming etc my daughter has never really had any emotions (hence tears etc) i got into my car and i was going to go to the boys house to see is parents about her clothes that had been ruined, i managed to calm her down and she told me these 2 boys had taken her to a shed that i now know belongs to a elderly gentleman in his wood like garden in a rural location where they had locked her in and what i can understand the other boy was just told to go along with it and maybe he was scared of the other boy (hes quite a large tall boy) whilst she was in there he started to say he was going to kill her then have sex with her when she is dead he picked up a petrol can and said the petrol was to good to waste on her and then started spraying a can of WD40 over her which at this point my daughter has got her phone out and videoed it and begging him to stop and let her out then after spraying that he emptied a 5 litre container of paint stripper over her and put a lighter to my daughter, she managed to get out of the shed where she tripped upland he kicked her and she ran back to me up the pub. Anyway after hearing that the only thing that came to my mind was this was a serious police matter so i rang 999 and they told me to get her back home straight away and they was going to send a ambulance straight out because the toxic liquid, i only live a 10 minute drive from where we was, when we got through the door i told her to take all her clothes of and get straight in the shower which she did the ambulance turned up within minutes of us being back at home, the boy also texted her which the police had video and the text saying if tell the popo (police) he would but her mums car windows through, the police also turned up and she had some irritation on her neck and was coughing from the fumes, the police offices took all her clothes that was covered and stunk of the liquid and the police went to the shed and found the containers what the boy had used, i told the ambulance people i would drive her straight to hospital which i did where she was seen straight away and the police officer who came to my house did a statement from her and said that him and his colleague had to have every window open in the vehicle because of the fumes, we came back home after doing the statement in hospital and then a few days later i had a phone call saying the police officer a different one a female was at my house i wasn't where near my house at time so said i couldn’t make it and i was willing to go and see her at a police station which i didn’t hear again from her until i got my social worker to find out what was happening. In the meantime my daughter went back to school to be subjected to children saying he should of killed her etc so it got to the point she never wanted to go in to school, she has never been up until two weeks ago any kind of victim support from the police or school my daughter then somehow managed to contract TB where she was coughing up blood and had to quarantine for several weeks before coronavirus was around which i got fined £780 for her not going to school, We had a meeting with doctor police social workers child protection etc and the police officer could not believe this case has not been dealt with or my daughter has had no support and told us to put a complaint to headquarters in which we did and still nothing, my daughter has been so scared to live at my house because of the boy and put herself voluntary into a care home where i still have parental consent she self harms continuously she is on adhd meds for her anxiety has been admitted to hospital several times for drinking vodka and being totally unconscious drinking and taking drugs and saying she just wants to die she has CAMS helping now and was only in hospital last night cutting herself once again, i had a phone call last week to say the boy appeared in court and pleaded guilty and had to pay my daughter £100 compensation and 6 months with some counseling from a youth worker has you can imagine myself or my daughter not very happy about it she's was thought of has a grade A student and now because she's missed so much school she's having to take nvq’s instead which she got nearly 100% marks her life and my life has been turned upside down for past 2 years i don't know if one day i'm going to get a call saying shes dead or i'm going to find her myself which i pray that will not happen, i am just so shocked she's never been offered any kind of help from the police and how they could let this go on for 2 ¼ years before getting to court and nothing apart from my daughter just wanting to go back to the home in Wiltshire and we live Bristol because she's probably petrified of that boy whos been in plenty of trouble before and excluded from schools and now i have a victim support lady ringing me from avon and somerset police and lighthouse project emailing me, why didn't they do this in the beginning before my daughter got this low i can't imagine what went through her head when it happened, i just feel so unsatisfied with the police officer who was in charge of this case and the CPS for obviously not reading the statements properly because in my eyes it was attempted murder and it has totally ruined are lifes my daughter is su

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