Brexit (Debate)

Alice Brander
👍 12

Wed 16 Dec 2020, 21:32

Brexit happened on 31 Jan 2020.  The transition period comes to an end on 31st December.  The only access the UK will have to the world’s largest free trade area and customs union is the access it is prepared to pay for. Tariffs and rules of origin will be the reality for goods.  52% of our imports come from the EU and they will be behind a tariff wall.   It is us that will have to pay the higher costs not EU governments.  Services will need to have different work visas for each country and will need to be invited.  A limited number of work visas will be issued by those countries with whom we have agreements.

Our young people will no longer have the free movement that has offered 45 years of opportunity.  Not a problem for anyone over the age of 50 perhaps although I’m 65 and it’s a huge problem to me.  But each new trade deal with individual countries will allow some freedom of movement both to and from that country.  

European court of justice only applied to European law.  It made sure we followed the rules of our free trade area and customs union. I’ve never understood what you all had against free trade.  It’s made us very wealthy.  Each new trade deal comes with rules and will require the UK to submit to some higher regulatory body.  I’m hearing that Mr Johnson has accepted the need for regulatory control with the EU.  We will have similar control on their products.  That’s just normal trade.  We’ll have to see what form it takes.

We always had full sovereignty.  If we had given it away we wouldn’t have been able to leave as we have done, without the EU agreeing to it.  

I think I’m hearing that we won’t be nationalising the fish quotas that our fishermen sold for private profit.  Thank goodness, that would have cost us a packet.  That means we’ll need to give them access to UK waters.

I’ve had to fill in my first customs declarations form.  I’m hearing about shipping orders and supplies being cancelled.  What else are people experiencing?  If I’ve misunderstood something please let me know politely because I’m feeling lots of pain for my country being destroyed and my friendships being torn apart.

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