Brexit (Debate)

Carl A Perkins
👍 2

Wed 9 Dec 2020, 11:26


You seem to get away with throwing insults where others do not. For the record, I don't copy and paste from 'Leave-voting sewers'. Contrary to what was speculated after the referendum, people who voted leave do have the ability to hold informed opinions. Your tactic is to shout people down who happen to have different views.

I'd also like to say that electorally, I fall into the 25-49 voting category as well as the degree educated category. According to the referendum analysis it was only 'uneducated northerners' and 'old fuds' in the south who voted for Brexit - not true!

I'm still unsure how these figures are obtained. Do the ballot papers have a barcode on them or something? I always thought ballots were anonymous but they always seem to come up with detailed analysis of age, ethnicity and income.

Looking at the referendum results, you must have been in either Lambeth or Hackney as those are the highest remain constituencies. Both seats have completely different needs and issues to the rest of the country. Home to many Labour MP's who have lost touch with their core vote.

I personally think the 'London vote' in the 'attractive' commuter towns and villages had a big influence on West Oxfordshire leaning more to remain. Several wards in Witney and Chipping Norton had large leave votes but they are demographically different to areas like the Charlbury of the 21st century.

In response to your flippant comment “It’s Remainers’ fault that leaving is as difficult as they said it would be”.

I'm not arguing that Brexit is an easy process. Of course it's going to be difficult as over the past 20 years the UK has entangled itself in all sorts of complex bureaucracy. It will take years to get everything adapted to the new changes. All I said was that it is my opinion that it's the fault of the ultra-remainers (not all people who voted remain) for delaying proceedings and making the process even more difficult than it could have been. I refer mainly to that disgrace of a parliament we had between 2017 and 2019.

It seems useless debating with you because you have your opinions and of course your opinions must be the right opinions. 

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