Brexit (Debate)

Carl A Perkins
👍 2

Wed 9 Dec 2020, 07:27

Ok a lot to catch up on here...

Gareth, I take it you weren’t local when the referendum took place as west Oxfordshire was only 53.7% remain. All regions voted leave with the exception of London and Scotland which ironically were the same regions which voted against joining the EEC in the first place.

You keep harking on about the authors of the current shambles. the government are still having to resolve matters that could have been sorted ages ago but the ultra remain faction refused to accept the result in the first place and challenged the government every step of the way. I lay the blame on those ultra remainers. Parliament was in stalemate because pro remain MPs were blocking everything. Even Jeremy Corbin, a lifelong anti capitalist and Eurosceptic kept his mouth shut and allowed his party to vote against Brexit legislation. The 2017-2019 parliament was a disgrace and an embarrassment and it gave Brussels the false hope that the government would end up throwing in the towel and revoking article 50 or signing up to every EU institution as non members but still paying in. 

Porogation (a word most people hadn’t heard of until then) of parliament also suddenly became an illegal gesture, even though it happens every single year! Yet another expensive high court sideshow.

2 whole years of wasted negotiating time which only came to end when the electorate overwhelmingly endorsed Boris’ main election pledge of getting Brexit done. All ultra remain MPs including Soubry, Grieve and Ummuna lost their seats. The Lib Dem’s who’s only policy was to revoke article 50 only managed a 4% increase in vote share and their Westminster leader lost her seat!

Since 2019 the government has had to make up lost ground which has been hindered by Covid. So don’t blame the government for what’s going on, blame the likes of Gina Miller and the other ultra remainers who took years to accept the result of the referendum, throwing a spanner in the works of every inch of progress. The spoilt brats used to getting what they want, clinging on to every hope of overturning the result - and it almost worked.

It doesn’t look good on the world stage. The UK has always been a beacon of democracy. And It’s quite rich for liberal luvvies to whine on about China not respecting the rights of people in Hong Kong but at the same time refusing to accept democratic change in their own country.

And in response to your point about the car manufacturing facility moving to France, are you now conceding that it is indeed possible for business to operate within the EU after Brexit? I’m sure we were told that it would be impossible. Also you might not know it but Deutsch Bank are preparing to move into their new office block in London. Another project fear lie that told us all the European banks would be leaving London.

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