Robert Courts (Debate)

Alan F Harrison
👍 1

Mon 19 Oct 2020, 16:23 (last edited on Tue 27 Oct 2020, 08:35)

Sun 18 Oct, 

Andy Burnham asks viewers to write to our MPs today about Covid restrictions. Our MP does not answer. It is a month since I wrote to him about Covid.

Sun 18 Oct, from Sue Way

And it’s more than a month since I wrote to him about the Internal Markets Bill (the one that breaches international law). Robert Courts, a lawyer, voted for it but never acknowledged or replied to my email.


> On 15 Sep 2020, at 20:46, Alan Harrison  wrote:

>Dear Mr Courts

 1   It would take far too long for me to itemise the numerous faults which the government must take steps to minimise. Please add my name to any list you have of people who think the same as I do.

 2  There is an increasing mention in the press of Tory MPs opposed to various moves made by the government. One or two names of prominent MPs are reported but no lists. Please consider this request in the context of freedom of information.

 You are asked to list ten such groups together with their group complaints and the composition of the groups.

4   Then please add your opinion of such groups in terms of agreement/disagreement

5   Please be sure to include your name if you are within any such group/s and explain your contribution.

 What steps have you taken to feed info to the PM to assist him in improving poor public perception of the government?

7    Although you may assign a member of staff to provide the information, I expect you to put your signature to the reply.

8    I do not want mention of how well you think government is doing. The likes of Matt Hancock are very good at excusing/justifying the very poor results.

9    The PM is not the person I voted for. If he is unwell he should hand over his role to someone else until his health is improved.

10   His performance in PMQs is far inferior to expectation.

11   At the age of 79, I have always voted Tory. The next election is too far away for me to judge but have no doubt that were there an election soon, I would not vote as usual.

12   One of the important issues is the appalling mess made of Covid rules. Public understanding is at an all-time low.

13    Ditto public confidence.

14    Neither is helped by the frequency of changes and U-turns.

15    What are you doing specifically to improve understanding of such matters among your constituents?

16    Finally, please understand that this numbered list is written to elicit a response from you on each item.


Although you are now Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Transport, with responsibility for aviation and maritime policy I presume that any disappointment expressed by constituents will receive proper attention and full reply.

With best wishes.

Alan Harrison

Prof retd


> On 23 Sep 2020, at 14:05, Alan Harrison wrote:

>Your letter in the Telegraph reminds me to ask when you will reply. Do your constituents take a back seat now?

>With best wishes.


> On 27 Sep 2020, at 14:17, Alan Harrison  wrote:

>Mr Courts

The first letter in the Sunday Telegraph today concerns a constituent dissatisfied with her MP. She received a cut and paste reply as I did from you.

I now ask if you are doing your job. It is high time you gave me a proper reply. Do not ask again for my address etc as you have it in previous emails.

With best wishes.


 His letter is here   As you see, it was posted long after it was written.  It doesn't answer much of what I requested.  ((The link works using Windows.  There may be problems using Ipads.))

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